Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Mystery Machine

The Dream:

I was in a service station of some kind.  Then I was in a tent outside of the service station.  I was with a group of people.

I went outside and there was a small runway.   I was in a tent.  I was getting ready for bed.  Then I saw outside what I thought was the mystery machine from scooby doo landing on the run way.  I remember thinking and telling the people that I didn't want to miss this.  So I went outside and ran to where the mystery machine was landing.  Then it landed and it turned around and started to take off again, but then it stopped when it saw me waiving it down.  At first it looked like Fred and the whole gang were inside, but when I got in the van, I realized that the van was kind of ghoulish inside with different people, one of them who was Scott Smo...  Some of the passengers were disfigured.  One of them was missing an eye.   And though one side of the mystery machine looked like that in the TV show, the other side was gutted and dilapidated.   The van drove over to the tent, and I casually mentioned that I would help them find a place to stay, not sure if I was thinking about my home.

Then I looked around and I realized that there was some sort of festival or celebration going on in the service station.   I asked the passengers where Velma and Shaggy and Scooby were.  That is about all I remember.

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