Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Dark Side of the Sun, Ch. 2. (One Year Anniversary)

1.  We are all going to die.

2.  When we do, something incredible will happen that is beyond our wildest imagination.  We will return to what we always were, and always have been.

3.  At the moment of our death, our life will feel like a wonderfully strange dream.

4.  I'm not telling you something that at some level you don't already know.

5.  This is our shared destiny:  Black, White, Christian, Muslim, Jew--every combination or permutation between and beyond.

6.  Enjoy the journey.

7.  Everything you read or experience that tends to bring people together is probably worth a look.

8.  The best pop song in the last 50 years might be the Beatles' "All You Need is Love."

9.  If you disagree with any of the above, in the words of Bill Murray's character in the 1979 Movie, Meatballs, "It Just Doesn't Matter."

Monday, August 6, 2018

A Vast Oceanic Planet Filled with Algae that Helps you to Float

I don't remember exactly how it happened, but I was in a bad place.  A very bad place.  I don't remember where it was or how long I had been there, but it was bad and we were escaping somehow.

Then we were over this huge ocean.  And we were on a train track high above the ocean.  Just a track in the middle of the air with no support. Riding in some kind of train high above the sea.

But before I knew it the track was going to end  and there was a long gap in the air to reach the other side.  And there was no way we would  make it.  Not riding this heavy train.  But we had already made the leap. 

And of course we did not reach the other side.  I could have told you that.   We descended rapidly.   We were going to hit the ocean and there was no way that we would ever survive the fall. Not from that height.   I watched us hit the ocean from a distance.  And we skidded and tumbled and skidded and tumbled and I knew that even if we were still alive that we were going to sink soon and drown because the waves were high and there was no way were could ever swim because were were on a planet that was nothing but one big ocean.

And when we didn't sink  I was surprised and grateful because we floating in what seemed like an infinite forest of algae, and the water was kind of the color of Campbell's Tomato soup.  And it was kinda warm and not all that unpleasant.  And I was glad I was there with someone else throughout this whole thing.  I don't remember who they were though

Then I started to think that I would spend the rest of my life floating in this ocean.  And the thought scared me because I thought that maybe i had already died and this was some sort of afterlife on a strange planet and that this was all I had to look forward to for the rest of eternity.

Then we must have floated up to some structure that must have been in the ocean. It seemed like a town and there were all sorts of forbidden things going on in the town.  I don't remember what they were, but I was doing the forbidden things as well.  It must not have seemed forbidden at the time, but it sure did feel that way  after  I woke up.

There were bad people in this town also.  I think we had to keep escaping them in ways that did not seem possible at the time. But each time I did, I felt like some improbable thing had happened and I kept surviving.

Now I know what you are thinking.  That this was all a dream.  And it was about my birth or some birth I had somewhere else at some other time or place.  And reality is like that.  You keep pushing boundaries, keep changing forms and places.  And you may be right.   For none of us really know what that bad place is we are always escaping.  But I know at some level the infinite sea of algae is always all around us.  and We can access it every now and then when we are not looking.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Magical Thoughts Part 2

When you step through the gate, it all falls away

the land of budding bibles

the religion before it becomes religion

the words before they are spoken

the immortality before birth

before our magical conjuring

takes it all away

You do control everything

but if you move to grasp it

it is gone

and what is the use of that split second

stretched to eternity?

so we prop up our sigil

the ornately decorated selfie

until the vibrations remind us

that this is not real

breathing deep

we repeat the mantra

we see the lights

and step back through the gate