Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Dark Side of the Sun, Ch. 2. (One Year Anniversary)

1.  We are all going to die.

2.  When we do, something incredible will happen that is beyond our wildest imagination.  We will return to what we always were, and always have been.

3.  At the moment of our death, our life will feel like a wonderfully strange dream.

4.  I'm not telling you something that at some level you don't already know.

5.  This is our shared destiny:  Black, White, Christian, Muslim, Jew--every combination or permutation between and beyond.

6.  Enjoy the journey.

7.  Everything you read or experience that tends to bring people together is probably worth a look.

8.  The best pop song in the last 50 years might be the Beatles' "All You Need is Love."

9.  If you disagree with any of the above, in the words of Bill Murray's character in the 1979 Movie, Meatballs, "It Just Doesn't Matter."

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