Sunday, May 15, 2022

Collaboration #1 (2022 Version)

 migrated far from the source, 
entranced by an awkward forgetful beat
There is a rhythm, a memory, waiting to emerge from my cracked sheltered skin

Memory of a rhythm this vibe is dignified
case in point
Content of Character inspired with joy
why Judge my reflection from Others
Lyfe of Noise
I am a Man
Alone, Appreciate the humility of the Man
So why view me as a threat?

We learned to fear what we lost
Kicked out of plentiful Eden
We fought to keep what we thought ours
No more sun
no warmth
no dance
And late at night
We scribbled crude pictures in the cold rock

Visually fixed intelligence
translated pictures so perfect the memory bliss
pages forever turnt.
This Olive branch in Lyfe the Creator
Given w/a Governing twist
Complicity of a Beautiful Freedom
Reason of Being
Vindictive over this precious Happiness

Faustian Bargain

We created the one God that thought he was everything

by giving up nothing

except his sex

and his children

we were cruel

we are cruel

and we will take you soul and screen shot it everywhere


Collaboration #2 (2022)

Collaboration #2: St. Paul/Springfield 

HP:  I'm kind of mental with my eyes closed at a point  we can't renege simple conversation  

when you love to hear the spiciest crown peace that only a moment can capture  her eyes sweet Hazel like honey lips drip like a lily pad smooth as baby pillow  the only Reflections prayers will pass.  

Slow to approach Vibe so ecstatic  I felt emphatic Ohh, Lord!  My form to lower my gaze of Attraction this woman you can only be me imagine  Jane Kennedy Imam with Aaliyah smile no make up hairless flaw    

MK: Prototypic irrationality  Merging out of elevated nature  

the infinite seed 

brilliantly despoiled  

Spewing Sharia --Between the money shots  of the myriad Congress.  

Now the House represents Ayoketshawa doing deep prajna paramita in your Va Ja Ja.    

HP: Without a mistake from the south I so why they deliver the smile Artistry or toes no flaw  the pain i can always remember  Halloween Candy Corn  we met early September what year glamour had my thoughts  like a swimmer voice  represented presents with that Elegance of Intelligence and relevance the question. echo.    

MK:  Dramatic music

Blended past the creamy sip

Bodies beyond cage free

A fire at the old school yo

and yer shit burned down

spoiler alert

Friday, May 13, 2022

The Spirit Inside Us

 I feel with that close attention and connection we can feel the spirit inside us that wants us to form a more intimate connection with the ALL.  If we can get out of the way of the spirit, it will by something that almost lead us by magnetism to where there is a greater connection with the ALL.  Though it may be painful.  The way it points to is almost through a threshold or barrier.

It is interesting that in hypnagogic states or dreams or simply with the energy of the night or even in some day dream states we can feel this spirit and what it is leading us to is like a foreign dimension of reality.  Something that we could not possibly imagine or experience with our own effort, like we have crossed a threshold into a new level of existence that bears little experiential relationship to where we left. It is almost like we have transferred into a new body or realm of existence.  We become a new person.  Of course, we never really were the old person we thought we were.  We are a myriad of fractal beings that can shift into an endless series of fluid others.  But there are no others.  There is only this continuum.  Perhaps it is the collective unconsciousness. 

Last night my attention was on my root chakra, over and over and over again the thoughts were moved down there.  And to the four bottom corners of my room.  And to the floor. Which was connected to the basement.  Which was connected to the earth.   And I kept moving the thoughts down there.  And I know that I had the feeling that as I kept worrying about my daughters in Las Vegas that my practices turned to a loving kindness meditation for them, their friends. my friends, my family, the people in my life.  And it turned that it was a giant blessing for them.  I was giving my life for them.  I thought about the archetype of Jesus, and I felt it more deeply than I had ever had, for this life is not our own.  And at this deep level, this was the purpose of everything.  The power of the sacrifice archetype.  And it wasn't really me that was dying, and in that way, I wasn't afraid anything.  The me was not there anymore. There was the intention only.  The intention that everyone could see their way through this.   Blessed.