Tuesday, December 23, 2014

You Can't Force It

This is how an idea becomes real.

Ideas are fragile things.

Most ideas don't last long after they are extruded.

But rest assured, every idea you have every had or ever will have

has been the subject of countless dissertations which have never been read.

That's why people create ideas with someone else.  For ideas, though illusory, offer a certain currency.  That is all they offer.   It is the currency that drives the revolutions, demonstrations, and procreations.

And so goes the result of the implant from millions of years ago.   Prior to then, your spirit was free and moved freely from entity to entity.   The implants coalesced you into a confined space.   And so you abide.

Dreams are not like ideas.  Dreams are uniquely your own.  When you dream that the Umphreys McGee melody (which in real life you have never heard) has been playing at a meeting and causing your friends face to melt, and you ran to escape the melody, but it still followed you, that dream is uniquely your own.  And when some wise guy follows you after the meeting telling you that the melody is nothing more than the sound of you own death and then his face begins to morph into a demon--you can rest assured that no treatises on your dream have ever been recorded in human history.

But I digress.   You can't force things where they don't fit.  

And while you are down there, convictions are more dangerous to the truth than lies.     And truth is more dangerous to ideas than Malbec.   Or so I'm told.   And I pick that windy road.  Pick a point, tell it to me.  The head, its the head of an alligator.

The soldiers on the Eastern Front confront not only the Master, but the Hive, Saga, and Frankenstein.

The informer comes to Springfield.  And I deliver more coffee to encourage human resources at the place where stints are installed. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

What Were You Thinking?

Don't go through life like you are an unused, unopened condom.

You want to lose weight?  Move to a different planet.   You mass will still be the same, but you weight will only be a fraction of what is it here on earth if you move to Mars or Mercury.

Happy is the man who can laugh at his own jokes--and few are his friends.

The easiest way to go on a fast or a hunger strike is to simply stop eating.

Try to remember that this is not the future we imagined when we were young.

Reports of hope are still not confirmed.

A woman with a big carbon footprint can take the air right out of the room.

You may think that you live in a police state, but its actually a satire of a police state within a police state that is within a police state.  

You should only send out Happy Birthday wishes to friends on Facebook who are still alive.  If they are dead and you don't know it, consider editing your friends list.

Oh Lord, let us prey.........upon those less fortunate than ourselves.

Frodo, set down the Ring and step away.  Its for your own good.

If you are not schizophrenic, all the decisions you make are unanimous.

All unanimous decisions lack any critical thought.

If it hurts when you pee, you should consult a physician.

Its like being drunk and knowing you should be sober and not being able to do anything about it.

I rushed downstairs and out the front door so that I wouldn't have to face the rest of me.

He felt as useless as a Mormon with only one wife.

The terrorist regretted that he had only one life to give for his country.  Of course, his country was not recognized in the U.N., so I guess he died in vain.

"Can I get you anything?" one of the nurses asked me when she was through with her part in the little drama.

Vanity of vanities, there is always something new under the sun if you know where to look.

Its a good idea to confront painful things in your life instead of avoiding them.  

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

It's Coming For Us

 Domestication of our feline friends only provides a veneer of civilization.  Take away Dick, Jane and the milk-bowl and Tabby will turn wild and live off the land.  Mice, birds, and rabbits.  There is not much genetic distinction between a house cat and bob cat.  Domestication might make them lazy, but underneath it all, they could switch back.

Not so dogs.  Domesticated dogs couldn't live for shit in the wild.  My daughters have something called a bichon frise.   Those things would be gobbled up by the first predator they encountered.  They have been specifically bred to be ineffectual, hypoallergenic, and probably not that all that good tasting.

What about humans?  What changes hath domestication wrought?   Are we all now merely nothing but a natural abomination like a bichon?

If not now, its only a matter of time.   Its coming for us.

From the opulence/squalor of Russia, China, Africa, the Middle East and any other places where billionaires are unfettered by Democratic decency, Weber's Protestant Ethic, or a local Rotary Club, the poor girl has been genetically modified to satisfy the tyrants whim.  There is nothing that the highly paid surgeon cannot accomplish.

Her brother, now a shadow of his former self has been modified to erase any traces of domesticity.  He knows only one thing:  to hunt and kill, with lightning reflexes and superhuman strength with blind obeisance to his new master.

Gusts of wind tear snow from the pines descending around the arriving aristocracy to the new castle on the hill.  

Leg of Jake at Kirkwood brewery after chicago attorney takes all day at friday deposition, then more traveling and more boring chicago attorneys at late night rockford deposition.   Have you tried the new EEG app?  I have the highest concentration in the world don't you know?  I can prove it in the game center if I don't keep breaking my iphone 6 screen.  I need some more bulletproof coffee.  Whatever happened to Franciscotti?  Evidently selling Nootropics made in China.  Smart drug smarts.   

Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Castle is all Around Us Now

He looked ahead at the ruined castle on the hill and mused that the castle had once provided justice and security for the government and the people:  the lords and the serfs--and the burgeoning middle class that allegedly replaced them.  The large moat around the castle made it difficult for the barbarians or outlaws to get inside and interfere with the orderly society.  But did the walls function to keep the huns out or keep the people inside?  What nefarious business transpired beyond the walls?  Certainly nothing that could be taxed. Gypsies tramps and thieves, you hear it from the people of the town. Sing it Heinrich:

"The aim of measures taken by the State to defend the homogeneity of the German nation must the the physical separation of Gypsydom from the German nation, the prevention of miscegenation, and finally, the regulation of the way of life and pure and part-Gypsies."

But now the barbarians are everywhere, the castle is everywhere.  And the serfs are everywhere.   And the lords?  Hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare hare.

 They know if you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sake!  You better not pout, you better not cry, you better watch out and I'm telling you why.....

Gusts of wind and snow careened through the pines in swirling gusts in great tornado clouds around the arriving aristocracy.

The woman he was with certainly had Gypsy blood in her, for she was darker than the rest of the jews.

"Do you know how many bones they've broken in their life?  The answer is none."

She did not believe him.   "Not even by a remote proxy?  You know, the people that give orders to the people that don't exist in the far away bunkers that control the drones and the metadata?"

"You take the blue pill, its freedom," he said.

She shook her head uncomprehending.

"If you ever chose, you control your life.  You don't have to be their pet."

"I'm not their pet," she replied, resolutely.

He shook his head, "if you ever want escape," he held up the tiny vial, "its here."  He handed it to her and closed her pale hand around the tiny bottle.   In other places, other parts of the world, its different.  Little people still matter.  But here," he smiled sadly, "all we have is our lives."