Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Apolitical Activist, Ch. 7

The Sports Edition.

I. The NCAA v. Penn State

The NCAA sucks at its mission: it doesn't prevent teams from obtaining an unfair advantage by cheating in sports. Everyone cheats at recruiting. College football and basketball teams are nothing more than minor league programs for the NFL and NBA. Only worse, because the football and basketball programs associated with the college get to keep all the money which should rightly be shared by the athletes. Its a total farce.

Having failed with its primary mission, the NCAA now is going to extend its ineptitude into the police business. What Penn State did was a crime. The perpetrator is now in jail. Others may follow him. If Paterno was alive and he knowingly abetted or covered up the the crime, he should also be thrown in jail. Even posthumously. Its a laugh how desperately his silly family is trying to preserve his legacy. He can roll over in his grave all he wants. He was no Bear Bryant.

But the NCAA has no business getting involved in the criminal law business. The victims of Sandusky's and Penn State's civil and criminal offenses will find their way into court and will likely receive millions in settlement or civil verdicts from Penn State and the tax payers of Pennsylvania. The NCAA should stick with what it knows, or doesn't know, that it promotes fund raising through athletics, while giving lip service to promoting academics.

II. The London Olympic Opening Ceremonies.

Bloody British Wankers. Is that all you got these days? Danny Boyle? Hell, a hundred years ago you used to rule half the world. Now all you have is steam punk and copied rock and roll and rap music from the United States. Thanks for giving me just a bit of Shakespeare in your ceremony. But you seem to have forgotten that you formed the basis and model for almost every parliamentary democracy existing in the world today. That and after the Greeks and Romans declined, you kept Western Civilization going. Screw the French and the Germans. They copied everything from you but your food. They would still be fighting each other if it wasn't for your moderating influence.

But I suppose we can't talk about your greatness these days. It was based on Imperialism right? Even Obama removed Churchill's bust from the White House.

You had the greatest scientist ever: Isaac Newton. He formed the basis of everything. And arguably the greatest philosopher of the modern age: David Hume, who could out consume both Schopenhauer and Hegel:-). And the founder of the modern computer age: Alan Turing. People may rag on your "imperialism" these days, but would you really want the alternatives offered by the non-Western powers these days to advance human civilization?

twinfest--grand junction

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