Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Veterans and Balloons. And I suppose Hypnotherapy

I was with one of my high school friends.  But I think that part of the dream ended and there was a transition that I don't remember.  

I think I was in some sort of desert and up ahead I thought I saw a beautiful burst of stars from something.  As I went investigated closer, the stars were actually balloons.  Then the balloons sunk down to the ground.  There were all sorts of written letters and messages on them.  I had to put them somewhere.  I think I was with a little boy at the time.  And maybe his mother.  I was trying to dispose of the balloons for the boy.  We ended up putting them in a building that was some sort of shop, but the man who came out was upset that we put the balloons there.  

I remember thinking that we had to put the balloons somewhere.  Outside the shop was a man who was a veteran.  The balloons belonged to him. I guess.  Maybe it was part of some sort of fundraiser.  The veteran had some sort of beard.  Vietnam era veteran. 

I don't remember what happened next. I don't remember how the little boy felt, or if the little boy was me.  I only know one veteran from the Vietnam era.  My old babysitter.  I remember watching videos of bombs going off in a jungle in the basement of our Denver home.  It was downstairs.  That is what I remember from the hypnosis.  I wonder what he wanted to do with the balloons.  Next time, I will have to look more closely to see what the letters said.

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