Thursday, February 17, 2022

The Contagion of Spirits

 This one is part dream and part life.  The life part is somewhat obscured to prevent disclosure to those that are infected.  

They were all evil.  A whole group of them.  And they were following me everywhere.  I could not get rid of them.   The ones in the dream knew they were evil.  And when I told them that, I don't really remember their reaction, but there was no rejection on it, to be sure.  With one, who became separated with me, I even asked do you remember the time when you were not evil?  What happened to you?  I was trying to feel some pity or connection to him.  Part of the problem I realized is that when I ran from them, I was participating in the evil.  But there seemed no alternative.  If you sat next to them, as they directed you to do, they would infect you.  Even the ones not in a dream that don't realize what they are doing.

And that is the part that is most disturbing.  The part when you are minding your business, feeling all equanimous and you encounter someone who is unhappy, sad, or angry.  Nothing wrong with that.  Sometimes they ask for help, and you help them.    But there is something about these energies that want to spread to other people.  So the people want you to sit and to listen to them.  They want you to be close and to give them your undivided attention.  Because they cannot control the feelings in them they try to solve their own problems by controlling you.  I'm not sure I understand the mechanism of transmission, but that is how it works.  It makes me think that the old beliefs of  disease or mental health being regulated by spirits or spiritual possession to have some merit.  I wonder where I can find an exorcist? 

I had another dream about evil beings when I returned home from Tuscon.  This time they were following around with knives.  I created some spell or some protective barrier that even when they stabbed me it didn't hurt.   This of course was great.  And I really almost feel sometimes that I can enter mental states where this is almost possible.  I remember meditating late at night waiting for the alarm to go off to go to the airport and focusing on a point just outside my heart.  And it seems that when you create a point outside of your body, that it gives you body some sort of freedom, or space to operate in that is liberating.  So I go that going for  

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