Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Ocean Descends Greater than Mt. Everest Ascends

The ocean descends greater than Mt. Everest ascends mused President Nero in a semi-somnabulent state inside the West Wing of the Green House.  Outside of the Presidential palace, the fighting raged on between the President's troops loyal to the Bureaucracy and the Mongol Isis Islamic horde.

And make no mistake, this was a fight to the death with the question of whether the corrupt regime of President Nero would continue, or the world would be thrown into a new age of Barbarism. Several of Nero's closest cabinet members had already been captured in the fighting, and their severed heads now dangled on wooden poles constructed by the Islamic Extremists.   Earlier in the week, the Isis commander Abu Bakr Maliki Maliki Pooh Bah captured an all girls school outside of the Capitol.  The kidnapped girls between the ages of 14 and 18 were forced into slavery (also known as marriage) with the unwed fighters in the Islamic army. Maliki thought that this was a necessary action given the fact that his fighters were so inept in bed that it was next to impossible for any of them to get dates outside of forced conscription.  The other reason the militants had difficulty getting dates (perhaps unknown to Maliki, but certain known to all of Maliki's wives) was that  Islamic extremists were "landias" which implies, according to my Hindi friends, that the fighters were not well endowed by Allah (whatever that

Such was the unsightly state of events until one night, elite paratroops of the President's Zeroought Six Porpoise regiment led by Colonel nano-neurosurgeon Poindexter captured Maliki Maliki Pooh Bah in his tent and performed a cranial Godectomy surgery on the despot. The Godectomy surgery, in which all traces of the concept of God are removed permanently from the patient was a complete success.   Immediately after the surgery, Maliki Maliki disbanded his army and dedicated his life to improving life on his planet.   Some examples of his benevolent works in the coming decades included the construction of  numerous schools, universities, museums, libraries, and hospitals. His long life culminated in its last years by his leadership, together with his new Chinese friends, of the first manned scientific expedition to Alpha Centauri.

Maliki is survived by his loving wife Hilda (he had liberated his harem long ago) and  his sons Acbar and Knutehead.  

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