Some elevators go down farther than they go up.
To find these special elevators, look at the buttons on the elevator control panel. Find the buttons below the "G", "L" , or "1"--for these usually represent ground level. If you find a wide selection of buttons beneath these choices, you may have just hit the jackpot.
If you are ready to begin, press the button at the very very bottom of the panel. You see it down there? If its a "Z" or even better a "ZZ", be prepared for a long ride down. You may want to hold onto the railing after you press the button for some of these elevators--especially the older models--travel very fast.
As you begin your descent, you may notice a change of temperature in the elevator. Sometimes, when you go down, the compartment may begin to get warm. Usually, this development is not any great cause for alarm. If it gets too warm for your comfort, you can always try to stop the progress of the elevator before it hits the bottom. Try hitting a different button, maybe not the "ZZ" at the bottom. I've heard from people that this sometimes works. If all else fails, you can always try the alarm button. Of course, I've never known these to function. And I have worked on elevators all my life.
Most of the time you will notice a decrease in temperature as your compartment goes down. I hope you brought your coat along, for things can get cold this far underground. Very cold. A musty dank smell is also not that usual to encounter. Soon, perhaps after 10 minutes of decent, the cabin will abruptly stop. There will be a pause before the doors open, as if some unseen force is deciding whether or not to release your from its grip. Then the doors will open, slowly, inexorably revealing a huge underground cavern. Be careful as you exit the elevator, and mind your step as your adventure is just about to begin.....
Rotary gate at the state fair. Even the whirles. I dream of elevators with the light brown hair.
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