Sunday, October 27, 2013

What it is, what it sort of is, and what it is not--well sort of anyway.

Whether we pay attention to it or not, reality unfolds.

Any sense of time that we add to the present experience is a mental construct.

Time itself is a mental construct.

Any sense experience is itself experienced in each moment.

Any sense experience can become a mental construct, or remain inchoate.  

Any mental construct is itself experienced in each moment in time.

We exist in a tension created by the immediacy of sense experience and the meaning that we create through various mental constructs.

There are also habits of mental constructs which exist independently of the sense experience of the immediate moment.

We exist in a tension between habit and immediacy of sense and mental constructs in time.

What we think, sense and experience, or its combination,  is just out of reach and just within reach, right where we begin to know is happening.  There is a habit and an awareness of habit, a sense experience and an awareness of sense experience, and the passage of time and an awareness of the passage of time.   There are mental constructs and the awareness that we are making mental constructs.

There is me.   Yea, right.

If you drink wine, none of this will really matter.

Elihu plans to move back to California.   the bike ride to the winery is planned.   My sisters house is robbed.   Soon, very soon, my father turns 70.   Mad and Mac play aggressive defense.   Very aggressive.

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