Saturday, October 26, 2013

Don't think that way, or I'll pound you, Ezra

Canto I:

Geek:   I see that our old law school classmate Pablo McWilson is now on the Missouri Supreme Court.  I guess that is cool

Mondo:  Very, in my opinion.   You should read his application for the position.  It was posted online.

Geek:  Pablo doesn't look anything like I remember him.  I didn't realize he was so young.   I bet you could've surveyed 99 % of our class and they would've thought that he was substantially older than us.

Mondo:  I think he is older than I am.

Geek:  He's 51.

Mondo:  52, actually.  A couple of months older than me.

Geek:  But not wiser.   Unless he's had an epiphany or two along the way or something :-).

Mondo:  Pretty confident he's wiser.

Geek:  B.S. Eliot.   Don't go wandering in that Wasteland.

Mondo:  J.  Alfred Truthrock.

Geek:  Meow.

Mondo:  He's no hollow man.

Geek:   If you think that Pablo was wiser than you in law school, I'm going to pound you, Ezra.

Mondo:  I'm pound foolish.

Geek:  Foolish heart hear me calling--stop before you start falling.  Foolish heart heed my warning--you've been wrong before don't be wrong anymore---about Pablo McWilson, anyway.

Don gets a younger wife.
Someone jumps on my back and hurts my neck
The campus tour is successful in a way never imagined when the campus was an abode
and the Uge definitely knows what the fox says......

1 comment:

  1. In the room the women come and go
    Talking about what the fox said.
