My grandfather grew old and incapacitated before my eyes.
It started slowly
When he used to babysit my sister and me he always drove us to the Village Inn in Gillette Wyoming for dinner. He loved club sandwiches. And green tea. Which he drank regularly before anyone knew anything about anti-oxidants.
My parents didn't know then that I had to give him directions to get us back to the house from the Village Inn. I don't think I thought anything about it at the time. When you are in junior high, senility is the last thing on your mind. Plus, you are insensitive. When you begin to notice that grandfather stopped shaving, and sits on a chair all day just staring, you wonder why he doesn't do anything. You are repulsed by it. Why doesn't he at least watch TV? "Nothing interesting on the boob tube," I think he used to tell me. My mother lamented the situation telling me that since his wife died, and he retired from the mine in Eureka, Utah, he doesn't have any interests. He also had no hobbies. I wonder in retrospect if he was just waiting to die.
It wasn't always that way. When we used to visit him I remember the tree houses that he carefully constructed and going to his office at the mine and seeing the way the employees looked up to him. In fact, everyone in town knew him and looked up to him. To them, he was "Shorty" Ryan. The manager of the local mine (the largest employer in town). Shorty, who took care of his older crippled brother for his entire life. Shorty, who had to leave college to support his mother and family when his father died. Shorty, who developed the new mining techniques were better than anything the engineers came up with. Shorty, who was funny, playful, and mischievous.
It became worse. Smells developed in the chair where he used to sit. He stopped combing his hair.
He eventually left us because we could no longer take care of him. After he left, I remember playing dungeon and dragons with a friend whose father was a doctor. One time the late night game occurred at the doctor's office. A group of teenagers loose in a doctor's office late at night. Not a good idea. It was probably my idea to start going through the medical records of patients. They were all in alphabetic order. We looked for classmates. We found them. Like I said, this was not a good idea. I was maybe 13. And I didn't know anything about HIPAA because it was 20-30 years before it was created. By the way the statute of limitations has long since run if you want to go after me. But I also found my Grandfather's records. I remember Grandpa being described as "unkempt" and "incontinent." I think my mother already knew about this and blamed herself.
My friend told his father the doctor about what we had done. Needless to say, we were not allowed in the doctor's office again. I think my friend revealed me as the instigator of the event and I don't think he was allowed much contact with me after that. Probably a good idea:-)
With leg of jake, a clan of eisely and much hyper-Hydrosis:-)
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