The quoted portion below is an excerpt from a discussion which which occurred immediately before and during a Hot Bag of Donuts. The political views expressed here are not those of the Blogger. Indeed, the Blogger is "apolitical" or is a political agnostic. The Apolitical Activist(1) tells the story of the job review of a young male political activist. In that review, the young activist is described by his supervisor as "remarkably apolitical." That was not meant as a complement. I still have that document, probably, somewhere.
Here, in another story involving a young female apolitical activist sporting tattoos. The juxtaposition of the Disney tattoos and politics is disconcerting/amusing:
"I so pissed off a Marine today in class."
"We were discussing the Swallows in Kabul
and in the book there was this mild mannered intellectual who ended up stoning a woman who was thought to be a prostitute."
"And I said, we'll that could be anyone. Everyone could have cast that stone. People are like that."
"And this Marine was all saying how Americans were trying to bring those people throwing stones out of the dark ages".
"And I told him like that America is a terrorist state. We always say that we are defending our homeland against terrorists but look what we are doing there. Were freaking going in and wiping them out. And what are they doing, but trying to protect their families against us."
"And the Marine got all pissed at me and telling me how he was fighting for my freedom and I was taking it for granite. And I told him whose freedom? Those people don't want us there. How would you feel if some army invaded your country? I told him American is the terrorist state. And then the Marine got real mad and left the middle of the class. He like couldn't debate me yo. I told him to suck on this. I told him that in front of class."
"I think the teacher is beginning to like me because she didn't like the Marine either."
"She always gives me 98."
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