Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sillster Willster (2)

I'm never taking any drugs

until they make a drug that turns me into a Philosopher King.

 I'm seriously going to OD on that shit.

Then I'm going to share a bowl of it with all my friends so that we can

create this Utopian community.

But I will still be the king because I took more of the shit than anyone else.

And some stoners are more equal than others.

Or so I'm told.

Anyway, one of my first edicts as a Philosopher King will be to stop burying people with gravestones.

There is no identity in dead meat.

I mean, really, if we are going to do that, why don't we start marking our shit?

(on a train, in the rain, in vain, to chicago, across the plain, thinking of Rostov)


  1. I was thinking of posting a comment that you already Philisopher king, or Pharaoh, or Tzar and that drug is naturally inhibiting our brains (some just have more of it than others. But when I reached the last sentence, I just smiled and wanted to write nothing, because you can not scribe the smile, you have to SEE it.
