Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Altercations with Lawyers Posing as Cops

 I was at a reunion with my cousins Craig and Blake in Utah.  What are they, like 70 now?  Anyway, in dreams, time is a fluid thing, so they were young.  Something was amiss at the reunion, and I felt bad.

So Jon Robinson is a cop and he punches and kicks a dog that I am attached to.  I had the impression he kicked the dog for no reason.  I'm very upset, and I want to punch him.  I run up to him fists clenched, but then I back away.  After I back away, he shoots me.  In the head.  I watch the scene from behind him.  The bullet may have actually gone through me and hit another cop behind me, holding me up.  This second cop is very upset with him.

Then I notice that a third cop with a snipers rifle.  He shoots Robinson in the head, and his head explodes.

Then the scene changes and there are many people being possessed.  Something about B. Duerloo eyes.  I see another Jon Robinson, this one is black pointing at one of the B. Duerloos accusing him of being in a dream because he just shot him.

But then I remember it is me who is dreaming.  And I float over everyone at the party and land on a perch.  I'm just watching.  Floating above everyone.  Pretty neat, i'd say.


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