Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Three Sisters

 I was at the farmhouse and was upset with three Asian woman who were back behind the garage over by the barn.  I'm not sure what they were up to.  I suppose in dreams, the detail that I was upset was more important than why, perhaps.  Anyway, I chased them away, but knew they would come around in a circle on the other side by my usual ceremony trees where I would trap them.  Which I did.  Then I knew one of them and stopped being upset at them.  The one I knew introduced the other who was her sister.  I was intrigued.  I seemed to know that I would do a podcast with her later that day.

Of course, if you want to take this to the next level, if you google three sisters in relation to Asian religion as I have done, you may find the three sisters of Yoga, Ayurveda, and Tantra.  Of course I recognize the Yoga sister, and have recently been introduced to another one of the sisters.  Can you guess which one?  I wonder if a future podcast is in the works.

Peter Levine has a theory about pendulation in regards to confronting trauma.  Swinging back and forth to confront as much as you can then retreat before you advance again.  Of course, if you are in an Aya ceremony, they don't appreciate if you pendulate too far from the circle before you regroup.  Of course, maybe they should read more Levine.

Finally, another dream about a bobcat with huge eyes.  Almost like a beautiful cat.  But I knew not to get too close with those claws.  Then it attached a pigeon.  And they fought.   The pigeon lifted it up several times and dropped it.   And landed on it.  And a fight ensured.  I wonder who won?  

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Golden Teacher Portals/By the Cluster of Three Trees to the East of the Farmhouse

 It is interesting that I remembered what it was like to be in an Aya adventure and how that knowledge was forgotten except in glimpses.  It started with the feeling of unease and anxiety, and when I returned to the farmhouse, I relaxed into it.  Then like like a flash I remember how I was in this place, vast, that I had always gone to before, many many times.  And it seemed so familiar, and how in this place my current life seemed almost ridiculously funny.   For the whole adventure of existence was here, the rest was just a strange sideshow.  An endless cycle that kept repeating.  

And with this insight, I became even more afraid and I stood up.  And I remember the practice to keep going into to it..  And to express love to it, the new place, the sideshow, the totality of it.  And gratitude for my life here and all the people.  And how it was silly not to express gratitude for the ephemeral situation that we find ourselves in.   This manifestation that will be taken away over and over and over again.  And I don't really have any messages except that the fear that comes in is a gatekeeper.  Indeed, there is some quote from Carl Jung that takes it even further and goes something like that god is that force, voice or whatever that thwarts your plans, ideas, and beliefs and invites you into the numinous.  

So take that invite will you, silly.  You silly ding dong you.  And the message that wants to get to you, and the invite is so foreign and alien to me that that is how it presents itself as fear.   

Wow, this somatic descent meditation is hard.  My body aches all over.  And in the ache I feel isolated, cut off from all my cosmic friends so to speak.   But now is the time to just endure.  For as Reggie Ray said, even if we don't feel like we are making progress, in ways we cannot understand, we are.  That is the whole point.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Mazatec vibrations

 Doing somatic meditation practices there is an image of a dandelion dried with delicate seeds ready to disperse in the wind.  But there is no wind no sound and no disturbance.  Just the dandelion against the quiet background of black space and maybe stars.  And our effort is not to disturb it.  

That would be a frequency to go into.  Maybe that was the message of the Mazatec, to  find the vibration and sink into it. Maybe that is the human gift.  So when I lay down on the riverbank at Nipper and feel the earth beneath me and descend into it, I can almost feel the lower vibration of the earth compared to the high vibrations of the bees in the field nearby.

The Mazatech journey is a journey to the underworld.  To that place where all ideas and images go into the cosmic blender to be churned into fodder for the next growth.  The eternal flow.  And the divine does not want our naked worship and admiration like the plants.  They reach up in perfect harmony and worship to the divine without barriers.  But humans have another purpose.  Some sort of alchemical process much like the underworld itself, to take in the hard to digest frequencies and though our own creative/alchemical act transform them into something else.  

And the tension we feel is when our own body is not in harmony with the frequency.  And the low ache and deadness that I feel behind me when I can go into it is almost looking into the dream world of expression.  And the dream world is like the underworld in that it is not about thought, but creative imagery.   That is what my ache wants to express, to tell me its dreams, its crazy stories that are trapped behind the logical mind of the ego.  And when I can go into them, they can open up, just like a meditation practice that starts by focusing on the sensation behind you into when the experience becomes back, front, top, down simultaneously.  

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Altercations with Lawyers Posing as Cops

 I was at a reunion with my cousins Craig and Blake in Utah.  What are they, like 70 now?  Anyway, in dreams, time is a fluid thing, so they were young.  Something was amiss at the reunion, and I felt bad.

So Jon Robinson is a cop and he punches and kicks a dog that I am attached to.  I had the impression he kicked the dog for no reason.  I'm very upset, and I want to punch him.  I run up to him fists clenched, but then I back away.  After I back away, he shoots me.  In the head.  I watch the scene from behind him.  The bullet may have actually gone through me and hit another cop behind me, holding me up.  This second cop is very upset with him.

Then I notice that a third cop with a snipers rifle.  He shoots Robinson in the head, and his head explodes.

Then the scene changes and there are many people being possessed.  Something about B. Duerloo eyes.  I see another Jon Robinson, this one is black pointing at one of the B. Duerloos accusing him of being in a dream because he just shot him.

But then I remember it is me who is dreaming.  And I float over everyone at the party and land on a perch.  I'm just watching.  Floating above everyone.  Pretty neat, i'd say.