I watched a rolly polly caterpillar crawl on the outside step as you leave the back of the farmhouse. I envisioned that its vision was one dimensional. It could only see down. Its like a baby crawling that can only look down. It does have a certain advantage such that if there was food directly beneath it, it could surely see it. That would be its entire world, eating food beneath it. I imagined that it could not look up, nor would it need to as it is protected from above from its carapace. It would never see the predator coming, but hopefully the carapace would protect it.
I imagined we are a little like the caterpillar. We only see our day to day jobs, our lives in this dimension. Psychedelics allow us to crane our heads up just a bit, to see something we had no idea existed. Imagine our shock when we discovery a vast reality above us. And we feel our carapace, or at least I have. Maybe that explains my sense of agoraphobia on these adventures. How I don't like to be in the open because I feel so vulnerable. I wonder if there really are any predators our there in this space.
Then I had this dream I was back in the forest in Wisconsin with Bill and Wendy. I went to the gate on their property which was closed. It was dark. I felt I had been locked out. I remembered my car was still there. I went up to where I had pitched my tent and saw to my surprise a big apartment building--as if the entire area was being developed. I went back to the front and saw a row of hotel's going up, including down by the portal on the steam.
Then today at lunch, I made a water offering to the golden teachers down by the trio of trees and in response they gave me the question of what really was human energy? I mean, all around me I saw what the trees were doing. Growing in the sunlight. Reaching up. Steady firm strong. Sharing their bark with a myriad of insects. But what are we really doing? I am not talking about our mind. What is our energy doing? Where are we reaching up, or are we reaching up? Even if we are bonding with other walking upright apes, where is that energy leading us?