Saturday, March 17, 2018

There Really is Only One Thing

You might have heard that we are all one.  That there is no separation.   That all is made of God.
You might have read it in a book.  Or maybe you have a Ph. D. in Theology.  Maybe a priest told you.
That is one thing.  To experience it is quite another.  There is no way to describe it.  
The shock of the seed, pushing through the cold dark ground into the light
The baby, now though the birth canal, looking at the light.
Holy Shit.  Oh my fucking God.
I had no idea.  This is what it is.  This is what reality is.
There really is only one thing.  And it is unimaginably beautiful.  And everything I thought was real, was only a dream, for there is no separation.  
Oh my God.
Everything I thought was real.
It was this all along.
I had no idea.
Now where did it go?
I better hurry or I'll be late for work.

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