Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Third Book of the Harvest, "The Ascension"

And it came to be on the third day the scattered pieces

spread out on the land like so many seeds

and Emo saw that this was good and formed an assembly proclaiming:

"may his seed bring forth upon this Earth all manner of grasses and fruit in abundance."

And thus it was so.

And then she gathered me in again and when I could see, touch, taste, and hear she soothed me with comforting words:

"Do not be afraid little one, you have been through this before, countless times over the eons.  It is too much for you to remember, but know this is your lot. Your life is nothing more than this.

You will sink back into yourself and forget this until we meet again.

But remember, dear one, that all is vanity

Though you will toil under the sun, there will be no gain

A generation goes, and a generation comes

but the Earth remains forever

What has been is what will be

And what has been done is what will be done

And there is nothing new under the sun

Do not be afraid little one, relax into your life

until we meet again.

(sleeping well in my new spiritual retreat, surprisingly adapting to life's "change" up :-))

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