Monday, November 18, 2013

You are what you work on.

I have noticed an alarming/refreshing correlation between situations at work and my health.

At 4 this afternoon, I'm going to be deposing a surgeon in a case involving a knee replacement.   I've been hobbling around on my right knee most of the morning.  My right hip also hurts.  And of course, the person with the knee replacement also hurt her hip.

My last trial involved back surgery.   I could have sworn at that time that I was suffering from L5/S1 radiculopathy.   But maybe I was wrong.  In any event, it cleared up after trial. 

Before then there was a neck surgery case.   And of course, my neck was killing me.  It feels fine now.

I have passed on several heart attack and stroke cases.  No sense tempting fate.  Let others in my office deal with those:-).

Then there was my appendix removal which occurred one week after my father had his removed.   Its probably the only documented case in medical history where appendicitis was ever contagious.    I still wonder about that.

But I think there are limits to this.   I had no problem with the suicide case.   I fact I've actually done several of them.   (I know what you are are thinking---I'm in 

I'm actually angling on getting a whole new book of business at work.   Instead of all the cases involving injuries, I was to start representing physicists, microbiologists, cosmologists, science fiction writers and zen monks.   That way, when I start having phantom systems consistent with my clients, at least I'll be getting somewhere.   Or will I?

I meet people from Carlinville and Wyoming.   They meet bike club people and professors.   Everyone is happy.   And by the way, what's the deal with Stonehenge?

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