Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Zen Guy, Ch. 16

We're on a road to no where.

We thought we were the center of the universe, but Copernicus showed us wrong.  Nothing revolves around us.  We live on an insignificant planet going around an insignificant sun in a pedestrian galaxy.

We thought we were special and controlled our own destiny, but Darwin demonstrated that it just wasn't the case.   We come from primates not from the hand of any God.  We came to be what we are because somewhere way back when some mutation of us was a better killing machine.

We even thought we were the master of our own thoughts, but even that was taken away from us by Freud.  What we think is all a veneer, a rationalization of more primitive, and perhaps darker impulses.

And finally, the crowning blow:  even if we win, if we win, HAH! Even if we win! Even if we play so far above our heads that our noses bleed for a week to ten days; even if God in Heaven above comes down and points his hand at our side of the field; even if every man woman and child held hands together and prayed for us to win, it just wouldn't matter because all the really good looking girls would still go out with the guys from Mohawk because they've got all the money! It just doesn't matter if we win or we lose. IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER!

In the end, we really don't miss Sarabi anymore.  Perhaps that was uncalled four, but I really am no cunning linguist. We all are on a gigantic wheel of fish.   And no, I didn't come for the gang bang.

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