Thursday, May 6, 2021

Dude, All You Had to Do Was Ask

In the dream (maybe two weeks ago--I recorded this but hadn't written it down), I found myself going into the pain and it really opened up.  First, I asked for assistance.  And it seemed to be unaware that is what I was doing.  It eventually provided it though.  
In my relationship to M, I saw that she had a black and red mask, fleshfaced.  Powerful but slightly menacing.  
Then I made an agreement at some point to participate in some sort of dream shaman work, as that is what I understood this to be.  I could see peoples charts before me, like some sort of skeleton with words and their dreams and what was bothering them their entire life laying out in front of them.  And then, there was a friend and we were all together in a group and she was going to say something, but there was so much noise around here and I started the chant, KAREN, KAREN, KAREN.  And I saw past lives.  And it did not cause me to fear  them because there was so much in them.  I did not fear rebirth into this new realm--like I had before in ayahuasca ceremonies.   And there were people there in these new realms that I could talk to.  Higher beings.   Both female.  And one of them was a dream shaman.   And she said, dude, all you have to do is ask for it.  They are always there.  Ask for the help.

And at some point I was in Africa.  Driving in some sort of van.  Looking out at the countryside, the houses, trees, and grafitti on the houses.  And it felt good.  Then I was at some sort of gathering.  Some sort of dance.  And I was with C, but i wasn't talking to her and that felt good.

And I looked at myself and felt that I had dyed my hair white and purple.  Like I was going to participate in some sort of rave dance scene.  At first I felt a little uncomfortable, as if the purple hair would make me more female and less masculine.  But then I realized the power in it.  I remembered my age and baldness, but it didn't matter because I was connected to a vital sexuality.  So I got that going for

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