Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Mid-Flight Engine Trouble Between Montrose and Denver

After the Mugwort tea was consumed, I invoked the intention that I full realize my psychic abilities and intuitions to harmonize myself with the universe.  Of course, this happened at 4 am, and it may have been somewhat different.  I've been listening to a lot of Noah Lampert lately, especially since he was on the podcast.  My intention may have also had something to do with bringing the mystical awareness of the 4th night of Rythmia into my space.

After I grounded my body outside and urinated, I went back into an relished the dream time, and soon I entered the space:

I was in some sort of dating event.  It was outside in some sort of crowded tent.  I didn't see anyone I was particularly interested in.  But I was late, so I didn't have a choice and I was matched with a woman in the corner who was not attractive.  As I looked at her more carefully, I liked her eyes, but she was old.  And it some way, she kind of looked like a short haired version of Ash's friend Am, who I know to be on dating sites in real life even though she is married.  But that is in waking life, and not really relevant here.  Or is it?  lol

But I did not talk to this woman long (or at all), because then there was some sort of disruption.  We were either under attack, had to leave or both.  The whole tent complex was mobile.  We might have been on a huge bus.  We were traveling around a prairie that looked in retrospect like the area in Casper, Wyoming between our house and Casper Mountain.

Then we were definitely under attack.  By a large group of males.  Things were hopeless.  We were completely trapped.  They were raping us and doing other horrible things.  I'm not exactly sure how we escaped, but it had something to with my continually trying to escape.  And it had something to do that I had mushrooms with me, and eventually either powerful females intervened, or I had escaped to a land controlled by the females.  And the females liked the mushrooms, or they had intervened because I had some.  Not sure.  I'm sure there was more to the story, but I had to do a phone deposition this morning, and maybe more will be recovered tonight.

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