Monday, June 22, 2015

"Here is My Soul; I Eat at Chez Nous"

We cannot help at times but to walk in darkness.  It calls to us.  The voices point out what we lack.  It promises us a great many things.   It shows us our pain.

Before the voices called to us, we had no name.  Once named we realized we were alone.

The voices tell us that we should not be alone.   That we will not be alone again.  Ever again. And if we are not careful, we will hear many things.

We may come to believe that the voices speak truly.  There is no consolation in not believing.  And if we listen to the voices in the darkness, we have hope. We cannot help but to listen.

How then shall we recognize what is not darkness?  To this I can only say:  You will think you know many things.   You cannot know how you know.   The path beyond the darkness transcends concepts and your petty thoughts.   There is nothing promised.  Nothing to be gained.  But if you listen carefully, day after day, week after week, month after month, you will know what is not darkness.   The strong will wait. And listen.  And will know.  Until they forget.

For you will always hear the voices.  And the darkness will always return.

Forgetfulness can sometimes bring a freedom of sort.  But it is short lived.  Times change.  You move on.  You do what must be done.

At times, you will feel the lack of sleep forcing you into a miserable state in which everything seems flat and of equal importance.  Were nothing matters and reality seems threadbare.   At these times, I sayeth unto you, this too is not darkness.  Look carefully!

And at other times, you cup will run over with the exuberance of life.   To this I say, look closely, savor it while you can.  Life is of supreme importance.

a strange twitching on the calf brings thoughts of an EMG.  How many will show at the camel reunion?  Will there be any Brunello left?   What will float #4 bring.  These questions and more may be answered through the voices in the next installment.

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