I will answer all your questions if what I tell you is the answer you are looking for.
Before the Event, organizations of humans were immense and various, and gave birth to smaller organizations that propagated throughout the temperate areas of the Earth.
Humanity thought itself superior, but humans were merely a special type of virus. And like a virus, were easy to infiltrate and replicate. Especially as there was no warning and the penetration was so invasive.
The only areas on their planet unaffected by the infection were regions devoid of humanity--namely Antarctica and the areas north of Greenland. These, as you know, are the only outposts of humanity that bear any semblance to those prior to the Event.
For the rest of humanity, the infection was so swift that its source, be it terrestrial or extra-terrestrial was never discovered. Other planets, more technologically sophisticated found that the source of the initial transmission of the sentient virus was from another galaxy. But to date the blight has not been resisted by any species. And the sequela have been universal. The invisible connective tissue that bound humanity was its undoing. The virus turned each host within the field into a node which propagated the signal to other unaffected areas in the globe. Soon vast cities became a tumor serving a new and mysterious function that has never been deciphered.
That is why my children that we avoid any communications with the North. And when you read the books of old, that you understand what happened. And why we continue, unabated, in our great research here.
Here goes nothing, my first float. Interesting conversation with the local director of NPR
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