Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The zen guy (5)

The zen guy still couldn't dance

but he began to loosen up

or so he thought.

If humor is the barometer of such things

he was the self anointed purveyor at zen sesshins.

See, these sesshins are ostensibly devoid of humor:

when you sit facing a wall there is no room for talking, looking around, or any other sort of mischief.

There are even rules about these sort of things.

However, to the zen guys knowledge, there was no express prohibition against note passing.

Hence, when the zen guy learned that an older practitioner from Chicago had an affinity for a

"certain" football team with a hirsute mascot there began to appear at conspicuous places satiric notes

extolling the virtues of a former Packer quarterback, long the nemesis of the windy city team.

These notes were later condensed to the simple affirmation of the jersey number "4".

But there is always more going on here than meets the eye

if you pay attention.

And zen is all about paying attention, right?

Paying attention and perhaps a subtle protest.

For who in their right mind would sit facing a wall all day?

What is the hidden agenda behind those crazy wall sitters?

Is it possible to think you are getting in touch with yourself at the same time running from some other aspect in your life?

I wonder.

Well, whatever the zen guy's motivation, he always by my count had issues with authority

and a practice of withdrawing when things didn't go his way.

That's not really that funny--kind of infantile, don't you think?

And this was apparent long before he wore the Santa hat into the catholic church during Christmas service.

But I digress.

What happens when he has to finally face things besides the wall? 

I wonder.

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