Sunday, January 14, 2024

I Revel in the Ation

 Nature is not comfortable with straight lines.  Like the back of a cobra's head.  There is something magical and menacing about the triangle and the square.  The city block.  The book.  The cell phone you are holding.  The number.  The river is never the same place twice.  The number is constant.  The city block remains the same until the hurricane washes it back into the sea.

So there are "seven" stages of evolution.  This I have heard.  And am uncomfortable with.  Both the number and the concept of evolution.  And the person selling the books touting both.   I imagine my ancestors.  Am I more evolved than them?  Am I even more evolved than me as a fetus?   Assuming achieving unity is the sin quo non of spiritual pursuits are all these practices, earnestly striven for nothing more than the circular return to where we started?  And thus, as we live and age, are we not becoming more fragmented? 

Perhaps the most vivid "mystical" experiences are nothing more than a recapitulation of youthful memories and experiences?  

Sure, you can develop your ego, build your spiritual resume in a million different ways that people do.  Give a million lectures, write a million books celebrating spiritual evolution.  But i imagine my friend with down's syndrome who cannot write a coherent sentence "emptying" himelf and touching upon higher dimensional spaces than the most accomplished mystic.

There is no high expression of humanity, no low expression.  What we do, we do for the whole.  What we touch, we touch for the whole.  Where some parts of the unified organism expression may temporarily come into contact with the light, they will blend back into the mass for the next wave to come into the sunlight.

But who knows?  Who has given up the knowledge?  Who has manifested the sacred geometry of straight lines into their consciousness and become something else?  Who has cleared the portal for something different to emerge into this space?

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Eckhart Tolle is no Meister Eckhart a/k/a If Meister Eckhart were alive today, he would not be a life coach.

Sometimes when I'm feeling particularly mischievous (which is always, of course), I want to purge all life coaches in a particularly painful way.  I should stop being so hard on them though.  After all, everybody has to make a living in our society.  And some paths are unregulated and require no training.  But hey, they are following their own intuition.  Divine source told them so.  And they have a ten week online course you can sign up for to develop your own intuitive skills.  

Well I am now channeling Meister Eckhart.  Meister Eckhart is a little miffed (I'm not sure how he is saying miffed in German, but these details he tells me are not important) about life coaches.  He is telling me things like the divine will or the God-head is ultimately hidden and unknowable.  Its fucking beyond our reach.  And to reduce divine nature to "my" intuition spirit family cosmic family tribe telling me thus and so is bullshit.  

And then I went out to the forest with the Meister (he sometimes lets me call him Burger Meister Meister Burger).  And Meister said, "look all around you.  Everything, every leaf, every tree, every blade of grass is a manifestation of the divine. Everything is the Way.  Everything is God.  Even the life coaches getting little voices telling them to do thus and so are manifestations of the divine.  Its all good.  And its all beyond you Kokal.  In fact it isn't even about you.  Its about bigger things you will never understand.  And if you want to get all bent out of shape about life coaches, even that is a manifestation of the divine." 

And then he looked at me very seriously, as only a medieval monk could do.   And he expressed displeasure about even using the phrase "manifestation of the divine".    He took out his version of the Bible which was in Latin (which I could now read because my spirit guides were helping me) and read to me the book of Job.  And he told me that that the leviathan is the manifestation of the divine, not some prepackaged consumer good "manifestation" just waiting for you to consume on your spiritual path.   And when you see the divine and actually hear the divine you are lucky if all you do is poop in your lederhosen.  

By the way, I was going to file a lawsuit on behalf of Buddhists everywhere claiming that Eckhart Tolle wrongfully appropriated Buddhist writings as his own ideas.  Something like copyright infringement.  But the Buddhists said it was ok, they didn't want to sue because the writings were not theirs to begin with as they do not exist anyway.  


Saturday, January 6, 2024

Look at the Finger Pointing at the Moon

 Find the experience not connected to the thought or intention of the mind, something that arises up from somewhere else.  Rest in that.  Go into that.  Its a separate life form.  😃😃

Meditate on the sensations of words.  Bring to the mind a word or thought.  Like love, healing, extra-dimensional, grounded, heart-centered, or whatever comes to mind.  And see where the word takes you.  Or what it does to your body.  What is your relationship to that word?  The word, after all, is kind of empty, but the experience with the word is where the magic occurs.  

If all else fails, you can have a dream.  Like I did last night.  Something about Steve Garvey and Steve Garvey's wife in Quincy, Illinois.  The wife was attractive, I think.  And Steve had hairy forearms.  I wonder if he still does.  And there was some kind of magical ceremony going on down by the river, I seem to recall.