Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Get Naughty

The dream started off at some sort of a firm meeting, but in this meeting it was celebratory, some people were singing, some were playing guitar.  There were people writing stories.  I felt that I didn't fit in to this for some reason.  I was sitting on a stairway, like a cross roads. I was watching people come up and down the stairs, entering and leaving the room. 
Then the scene changed and I was at some other place.  I realized that this new place was more participatory in how they were going to going to get creative with me.   Eventually I was with a woman who was going to be my mentor.  She had a British or Australian accent and called me bloke and then she said "Well, we are going to get naughty"  And I liked that.  At first I could understand her, but then I really understood her.  
Before this time, they were actually acting out what I realized was a partnership.  They would physcially connect with the people.  But some of it was too intimate.  Before they had their clothes halfway off, they would be moving on top of each other--kind of acting out the connection.  Before I was paired with my mentor, I was paired with the head guy.   And they were writing.  But I didn't know if I had it in me.  And then I could see my mentor's face.   She was a little older because in the dream I was younger.  But she was going to be my muse, all I had to do was connect with her.  So I must remember her face to conjure her up.
Of course, all this has to do with the servitor "inshallo" which I have communicated with through the practice j(allegedly in chaos magick) from guest Don Webb.  We shall see where this all takes me.

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