Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Body of Prana

I am completely open to what we discuss but as a starting point I would suggest that I ask you about the body of prana and what you and Felix offer in Peru.

From there we could venture about how you work with prana and the medicine.  How the traditions dialogue with each other and support you and your guests, etc.

Now the good stuff and what attracted me to your work:

1.      The paradigm shift that you describe you underwent (In Jason’s podcast) to a world where there are active spirits manipulating the world and the steps you need to protect yourself.  I am interested in this, especially in contrast to other practices such as “feeding the demon.”  Is being “open” a problem?  How so? 

2.       Purging the spirits in ceremony vs. your own purges with prana.  How you skillfully work with spirits, especially based on what you have learned from the Shipibo. 

3.       “Losing your mind” in ceremony.  I love how you referred to it this way, or “popping off”.  I haven’t heard anyone describe it this way before. 

4.       The above is not just an casual interest for me.  I have lost my mind in ceremony three times.   I am lucky to not have been seriously injured.  In each I have been unsuccessfully restrained by “shaman” or their facilitators as I was trying to get away from what was happening.   I don’t remember all the details of what I was getting away from, but sometimes when I connect with some people I get another view of it.   What I do remember is that  I go to a different ceremony with different participants.   There is a repetition involved, and I don’t want to be there.   That is when I “pop”.   More and more I am realizing that I am still there in this repetition that I am resisting.  My primary spiritual practice is to listen to what entity wants that is running the ceremony.   Who I can sorta trust right?  Lol  But again, at some level, I am resisting and that is the repetition.   What came up when I listened to you is that there is something still with me, and I feel that I need to purgeJ

P.S..  Last night I had the idea that I should do what you did and lay on the ground and ask the mother to help me work with her message.  It was raining outside, I did not hug the ground, but I did hug a tree ( I live in a farmhouse with trees in the yard) and put my heart next to a vine going up the side of the tree.  As I backed away from the tree, I saw a skunk (I have never seen a skunk on the property) start walking towards me.  I backed away and it came right up to the back of the tree where I was at.   So I got that going for me.    Lol

Then I had dreams of people from Temple of the Way of Light come to a home that was apparently my parents home.  I was trying to tell them where they could sleep.  There were not enough places.  More and more people showed up unannounced.   I have never been to the Temple, but talking to you and Jason is certainly what brought this on.

Anyway, I sent you two links to connect to the podcast.  The first is from RINGR. Let’s try that one first.  If the connection spirits are not favorable, let’s try the Zencastr. 

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