Monday, June 10, 2019

Josie and her Mom

When time ceases to exist, moments which we think of as having occurred separately are part of the same continuum.  So if I saw Josie Lowder playing guitar and singing eight years ago at a festival or a bar and I see her now, the same energetic force or spirit is running through it.

That spirit is the interesting part.  For when we die, my intuition is that we become that spirit, for we really have never left it.  And everything else that we thought was real is only a strange echo.

So when I saw Josie and her mother singing on June 8, 2019,  I saw the same song playing through time.   And yes they are aging together, we are all aging together, but the spirit is immutable and ineffable.  It was with them before they were born.  And it will continue with them and me into the afterlife.

And more and more I find myself seeing this spirit.  And how it pervades and moves thorough the material world like the mysterious song underlying everything.

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