Sunday, October 11, 2015

Fibonacci was Lithuanian; this Blog is a Fibonacci spiral, ergo....

Life is kinda like a Fibonacci spiral.  You start off slow, and then spiral into ever widening arcs.  Life speeds up, years fly by.  

By definition, the first two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are either 1 and 1, or 0 and 1, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two.  To wit:

1,\;1,\;2,\;3,\;5,\;8,\;13,\;21,\;34,\;55,\;89,\;144,\; \ldots\;

Life is nothing but circular.  Not only in the sense that what goes around comes around.  But more like, I remember this feeling, many years ago or I have been in this state before, many years ago.   When I was just small.  I feel so much more expansive now.

Applying the Fibonacci sequence to a circular spiral becomes a logarithmic spiral whose growth factor is  φ,  the golden spiral.   The golden spiral gets wider by a factor of φ for every quarter turn it makes.   It looks something like this:

The spirals widen ever outward.  One county, Lithuania, even made the Fibonacci spiral into a national coin.   How cool is that?  How cool is a country that can honor a mathematician?

I want to go there and live out my retirement doing something useful.  Good luck on that flyboy!

This country, by contrast, honors those in the media spotlight.   The Donald Trumps and the Kardashian people.  Now how fucked up is that? But I digress.

What your probably didn't know is that this entire blog is one big Fibonacci spiral.  Seriously.   You can trust me.  After all, Sri Pseudopumkin is rumored to be an attorney.   Would he lie to you?   This blog actually starts off from zero or one and then spirals out of control. Where does it start?  Hmmm.   Actually there is sort of a funky algorithm involved.     Its so funky that I'm not sure what its properties are.  Its certainly much more sophisticated than the algorithm at facebook or google--because this one can actually read my mind.   Those algorithms can only tell me what I want.

Where this blog starts off is at a zero.  What is a zero if not the absence of life?  What is the absence of life but missing the boat?  How do you miss the boat?  You start off at zero.  Right here.  Seriously, clicking there may lead you to further proof of Fibonacci's nationality and conclusive proof that you are on the spiral.

Next you take baby steps.  Move a little out on the spiral will you?  Take two and then three steps out.   When you are ready to take three steps out, click here.

Now you're getting going.  Starting to hit your stride. Let go a little.  Go with the flow.  Start to drift along the ever widening arcs of the spiral.   Let go and click here.

Soon, you find yourself in space.   Aboard a spaceship.  When you find the spaceship, click here.

After that, more adventures ensue.  Many drugs are taken.  And the aliens come.   And then, ineluctably, we have to click here.

And then it all ends and we find that the spiral was just all an illusion.  And all we are left with is a pocketful of golden Lithuanian coins.   And things could be much much worse.  But of course, they are not.

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