Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Flick Fandango Phoney

Subconsciously, I think I had already prepared the ground for the new shade.  The leviathan that conceals its terrifying immensity in the murky depths of the ocean was my new familiar.

Click Here for more information.

Perhaps I had started too late on my new enterprise?

A man who has no belief in himself can expect none from others.

Others, who expect nothing, often have no beliefs.

Unexpected beliefs, often find a man (or a woman for that matter), who otherwise have started a new enterprise.

On board the Starship Enterprise, I expect that the characters will exhibit similar expectations and beliefs such as:   I wouldn't click "Here" if I were you.

But since I'm not you, I can make statements such as:

Ain't it cool, drinking the sticky sweet syrup of self-adulation?

Click There for more information.  Or if you just want it all to stop.  In fact, you don't have to click anywhere, and it will eventually stop.  Like it did for these: Robert Wise, 86; Bob Denver, 70; Daniel Richie, 56 (French Editor and Scholar); James Doohan, 85; John Fowles, 79; Scott Winnett, 42 (former Locus Editor); Keith Parkinson, 47 (Winner of two Chelsea awards); Warren Norwood, 59 (author of "The Planet of Flowers.") in 2005.  Which was ten years ago.

It might just suddenly end.   And you cannot do a thing about it.  "Captain, I cannot do a thing about it, I'm a giving her all she's got, but the warp core has been breached."   All you life been doing things, making things happen.  Making things possible.   The illusion of control.  And then poof, like a thief in the night.   Nothing happens.  I wonder what nothing would be like.   Is it the Flick Fandango Phoney

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