Friday, February 21, 2025

Attention, Blood Flow, Receptive Nerve Endings

 So its all about going within, right? Feeling body sensations. Its all the rage, mindfulness. Whatever.  

Attention seems to direct blood flow.  When you focus on an area of the brain, for example, there is likely an increase of blood flow to that region.  Perhaps that is what you feel.  A sense of fullness.  A sense of aliveness.  Not surprising that an increased flow of blood would do that.  

What happens when you focus on the area above you head?  No nerve endings literally above our head.  At least that we know about.  What creates this sensation, or is it more an imaginal image in the mind.  But it still feels like something is there, doesn't it?   And it doesn't stop there.  Do a 360 scan of the space around you.  Are we just projecting this sensation, or is something else going on.  

What exactly is going on when blood goes to the nerves or whatever to create this.  When things come together, some call it love.  Don't you just love your receptive nerve endings?  Think of all the warm fuzzy feelings you get from it.  And dissolution produces a much different effect.  

Perhaps this is why bonds of blood are the most intense, literally and figuratively.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Its All Good Mostly, Until You Have to Make Adjustments

Its all good mostly, until you have to make adjustments.  And you go into it thinking about how you are going to go/feel inside your body and feel it all vibrating and buzzing and feeling groovy and then moving into what ever else is around your and how it going to be all good, your vibrations and the vibrations of the object you are vibrating with.  Sort of like hello Mr. Tree, we are all part of this great cosmic unity and let us share the experience because that is the highest form of communion.

And a lot of the time it is all good.

And then when it isn't your have this idea that you better withdraw because you will entrain with them, and their vibrations will come into you and make you very uncomfortable and take you out of your little oasis and make you see something else.  Some darkness. Something that hurts.  You don't want to be like them.  And you hear voices of people saying how you should surround yourself from positive people and distance yourself from people who are called energy vampires or other types of undesirables  And you wonder if we really are porous creature, or whether there really are entities that mean to harm us that we should avoid.  

And it gets all gooey as you wonder whether the vibrations are coming from them, or whether they originated with you the entire time.  Or both are really being beaming into you from somewhere else.  Like what Jung said about UFOs.   And I take to be an interesting mediation process, that consciousness originates from somewhere outside of us.  

Then after awhile you start hearing other voices about how it is important to show compassion to them.  To Love them anyway.  

And a lot of the time it is all good.

Until you have to make adjustments.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Back to the Matrix, Jung, and Receiving Thoughts from Elsewhere

So we are back to the cells inside our body.  They are interacting with all kinds of things.  Consuming and being consumed.  And we think we are at the top of the food chain so to speak.  We think we are different than these cells.  Of course, we also used to think the Earth was at the center of the Universe, then it was the Sun, and now we living in a place that is just a grain of sand in an endless beach. But we still think we are an individual self, with an individual mind, discrete and unattached.

Going back to the cells, we think that we are a more developed evolved whatever organism.  But why does it stop going up with us?  Why aren't we like the cells inside of us inside of something larger, something much larger. And why do we think that cells are consuming energy and are consumed but somehow we are not.   Maybe consumed isn't the correct word.  Maybe interacting with all sorts of energies all around them.   What I'm getting at is that why does it stop going up with us.  Why are not some type of discrete (sort of) entities in a liquid networked environment that goes all the way up to dimensions we cannot begin to fathom?   A veritable mycelial network analogue.

It hurts and its scary, but we don't exist as individual creatures.  And we don't create our thoughts.  They come from somewhere else.  And I'm not sure if its like what that self described autistic dude that hangs out with Valle and Kripal says that we are inhabited by mycelial creatures in some vast network that exist at the back of our heads siphoning off energy.  I just don't know.  And he is at some spiritual gathering with thousands of people and  the speaker is interacting with these extradimensional creatures and they are interacting with other extradimensional creatures and what we think are communications from these speakers is some very weird alien shit paranormal connection beaming consciousness to us. Or draining it from us.  Or both.  

I don't know.  But its almost like my bad aya trips isn't it?  And dreams.  Oh my god, dreams. Where the hell are they pointing to? We just remember the end of them.  But they go back into places we cannot even reimagine in waking life.  

And it makes sense that I want to invoke stuff.  I want to bring things into me.  I'm almost hungry to bring the spirits in even though Robert Falconer told me on the podcast it is not a good idea because they are parasites.  Hmmm.    

And I'm changing my meditation practice to connect with this stuff.  To feel the space.  Then connect to the energy from elsewhere.  I'll let you know how it all turns out.