Monday, March 8, 2021

Damn, Van Damn

 I was in some confinement, or what felt like some sort of confinement in a very strange land. I knew that I would have to drink or eat or do something with a big vat they were making that was something like tobacco in a liquid form.  I knew I was going to be forced to take it.  I was just awaiting my time.  But I felt confident because I had already eating some of the pellets of the vat like dog food.  Maybe I felt I was getting a jump on the competition that way or something.  I don't really remember.

Then I was in a different area.  And Van Damn was there telling about how skilled and talented he was.  He was aligned to my captors or hosts or whatever they were in this strange land.   Then Van Damn was approached by a group (maybe just two?) outsiders and he was immediately scared of them.  Like they were the real deal and his fraud was exposed.   I saw fear in his eyes for he knew immediately who these individuals were and that their skill far exceeded his.  The two then proceeded to attack him.  I remember leaving that scene to go tell my captors (oppressors) something like "hey your man is getting his ass kicked over there or something" as if to curry favor perhaps with them.  I'm not really sure of my motivation at that point.  I saw somebody getting badly beat up, it didn't really look like Van Damn, but I assumed it was.  I woke up at that point. 

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