Monday, September 1, 2014

Cookies and Milk, 2000

Cookies 'n' MilkWelcome, This is the Yahoo! Message Board for Cookies 'n' Milk community.
 Feb 20, 2000
Re: the fix is inJohnny, Ugee, Petey, I don't understand all of your 'modern' gadgets associated with the 'net, but I've finally found my way into the 'club.'
 Feb 20, 2000
Re: Cookies 'n' MilkYou heard it here first: vdat, madgf, wmi, gsli. what's up with bico?
 Feb 21, 2000
Re: BabbleOn UgeWhat are you on about, old Uge? Your acronyms elude me. Give me something more to chew on.
 Feb 21, 2000
Viper Fund UpdateThe Fund is on track for another exceptional month. It took me six hours to make all the trades today. Read all about the Viper Fund.
 Feb 23, 2000
Re: BabbleOn Ugethey is stocks. so what cha buying and selling on ebay lately reg?
 Feb 23, 2000
the reg, king of ebayWell, Uge, I'm buying back the flotsam and jetsam of my youth like just about everybody else on the E. Batman toys, punk rock posters and buttons, comic book
 Feb 25, 2000
Club destructionI think that Cindy Fey destroyed the club. Or perhaps Liza? Where is our friend Dan these days?
 Feb 26, 2000
Re: Club destructionSurely Geraldo Rivera will discover that it was a conspiracy involving Cindy, Liza and a host of other former SYR dates who destroyed the former site.
 Feb 26, 2000
Terex (TEX)Maker of dragline buckets around the globe. Down 25% yesterday. Now trading at 3.5 times trailing earnings. UNBELIEVABLE. This is the most compelling value on the market today.

the market and Petehey Pete, are you layin' down money on these stock ups and downs that you describe, or is it armchair? Being a man without portfolio (outside of some mutual
 Feb 26, 2000
The FeyJohnny, I can't remember if I described for you the look on The Fey's face when I told her that you were getting married (back before the big event), but its a mixture of malice and erotic tension makes methink her link to the destruction of C'n'M Mach I MUST
be investigated.
 Feb 26, 2000
Re: The FeySo maybe that explains why we got a "Congratulations!" card from the Feyster shortly after the nuptials (in reality there was only one nuptial that I remember occurring.
 Feb 26, 2000
Re: Club destructiondidnt the badin babe bang sheilds once? or was it broussard?
 Feb 27, 2000
Re: The Feyhmmmmm malice and erotic tension. I think that also describes the uge face most of the time...
 Feb 27, 2000

Re: the uge and his gripUge, it sounds like you've been spending too much time contemplating the seamier side of life and its possibilities down there in the 'patch. When are you coming north again?  the_reg_2mi
 Feb 27, 2000
A visit.I think we should all plan a visit. Somewhere. Like last year. heh heh. Where they serve drinks.
 Feb 29, 2000
Re: A visit.I'm in. Maybe we should go to Antigua:
 Feb 29, 2000

Re: a vacation sounds coolclearly the Uge has attained balance and serenity
 Feb 29, 2000
Re: vacationclearly the Uge needs his med's.
 Mar 1, 2000
Re: vacationclearly, the uge wants to go foraging in the melon patch.
 Mar 1, 2000
Re: a vacation sounds coolugesatva, ugesatva, won't you take me by the hand...

 01 Mar, 2000
fave stock raveforget clwk; gotr is where it's at!

 02 Mar, 2000
Re: fave stock raveOK, so what's gotr?

 02 Mar, 2000
Re: fave stock raveI'm telling you, gotr!

 03 Mar, 2000
Re: fave stock raveat first I failed to recognize that I was otr, and thus I could not heed the call to gotr. making this realization, however, I promptly gotr.

 03 Mar, 2000
Re: fave stock raveI heard that gotr is splitting!!! Get in soon. Or better yet check this out cfdc. Its an online distributor of s & m ware. check out the website at

 04 Mar, 2000
Re: vdmy penis hurts when i urinate.

 04 Mar, 2000
Re: vacationto satisfy everybody's whim, I can see three criteria: (1) a beach (duck, uge); (2) gambling (kroeter); (3) has to be over a holiday if you want the uge's participation.
Re: vacationmemorial day is out for me, as I'm taking the big CFA level I exam the following saturday. how about July 4 in some cheap Mexican hamlet? that has to be cheap venue where we can reeenact Tortilla flat.

 05 Mar, 2000
Re: vacationingMel gets an extra week of vacation this year, so a trip is definitely not out of the cards for her 'n' me. Never been to Mexico before, I understand that the gringo live like the king.

 05 Mar, 2000
Re: Employably UgeUge, what's this about a new job?

 05 Mar, 2000
Re: vacationjuly 4th would be muy bueno. muy muy bueno.

 05 Mar, 2000
Re: Employably UgeThe uge went with a competitor. Now gets very evil looks from the old people when he passes them on the sidewalk. GOTR i tell them.

 05 Mar, 2000
hey kroeter or duck?What does it mean when there is a stock alert that says a block trade "crossed" at a certain price. Is that a sale or a buy. Is there a way you can tell what

 05 Mar, 2000
Crucify her! Crucify her!Yesterday while I was on my way to drop off a load of dry cleaning, a very, very stupid woman hit my less-than-6-month-old car, crumpling the right front wheel less-than-6-month-old car, crumpling the right front wheel and the
nearby body panels. I expect my car will be on the
disabled list for at least two weeks, and I wouldn't be
surprised if it's a month, or even if it's totaled. The
officer who arrived at the scene looked and acted like
the Putty character on "Seinfeld." He found the very,
very stupid woman to be profoundly at fault. He also
called a friend who had been an extra in the movie
"Deliverance" and who now drives a tow truck for AAA, so that I
could get my crumpled car to the Toyota dealership. I
am scheduled to testify on March 21 in the matter of
State vs. Carneglia, the latter being the very, very
stupid woman. I hope she gets the chair.<br><br>Anyone
dealt with the insurance end of a situation like this?

 05 Mar, 2000
Re: Crucify her! Crucify her!I would show up at the hearing because you want to make sure she is found guilty. The judge might let her off if you are not there and the cop doesn't show up
Re: Crucify her! Crucify her!I'll definitely show up for the hearing (I think it might actually be a trial; I have to find out tomorrow from the court). In any case I'm going to full court press her and her insurance company. <br><br>Whathas to happen in such a situation to justify a civil
action? I'm really pissed off about how much her
stupidity affects me--Cecilia has to change her commute for
at least two days while I use her car before getting
a rental, and of course my life will become a
Kafka-esque nightmare for weeks as I engage insurance
companies according to the rules set up by the Marquess of


 05 Mar, 2000
was she a blond, too?in regards to the insurance issue, as i am the resident insurance bitch, thought i should give some input. Interesting that there is a trial. That's notnormal.Normally the two insurance companies deal with each other,
unless of course, she was cited for doing something
stupid, like missing a stop sign.<br><br>Encourage you to
go to the trial, but also speak to your loving
insurance carrier. They may have advice for how to act and
what not to do (like throw tomatoes at her - that's
never a very good idea,etc.) Remember that those
lawyer-types are wily and wiry dudes, ready to stomp on your
every word and contort it to meanings that have no
bearing to the situation. (a la 'define 'is',
please')<br><br>emailing you off line for another comment. i would be
crying if anyone had smacked into any of my cars.
Literally. At least Putty helped you out - he's really a

 06 Mar, 2000
Re: was she a blond, too?no, she is a very, very stupid brunette

 06 Mar, 2000
Re: cindy feyHey, Uge, you know St. Patrick's Day is coming up. As an aspiring Irishman maybe you could write us a limerick to express your true feelings.
Re: cindy feyaay mcduff, is limericks ye want, its limericks ye shall have: gaily bedight, a gallant duck, had journeyed long, singing a song, in search of el feyado.<br>but he graduated from college, this duck so bold, ando'er his heart a shadow, fell as he found, no sight of
ground, that looked like el feyado.<br>as his strength
failed him at length, he met a pilgrim uge,<br>ugeee
said he, where can it be, this land of el
feyado?<br>over the mountains of the moon, down the valley of the
shadow, ride boldly ride, the uge replied, if you seek of
el feyado
Re: anybody know...I think that it is the revenge work of el feyado. Uge: my compliments to you for a great limerick!

 15 Mar, 2000
Re: anybody know...can't you just send a message to her yahoo id? or better yet, invite her to this club with her yahoo id.

 15 Mar, 200
Re: anybody know...Funny, I was just talking to DonDson yesterday about WHIT. DonDson & Associates may be my latest client, by the way. 
Re: anybody know...That'd be cool if you pick up Don as a client, for several reasons. And that's interesting about WHIT.

 19 Mar, 2000
7/4We really ought to get moving on a July 4 long weekend. Suggested criteria are, in order of importance: 1. Cheapness, 2. Warmness, and possibly 3 alcoholness.

 19 Mar, 2000
Re: 7/4sounds buenos noches amigo. I there.

 20 Mar, 2000
Re: 7/4the uge loaded up today on whit, pcclf and nwre.

 20 Mar, 2000
CSNYPete's cooking dinner as I write this nice post. We saw CSNY last night. While I was driving home, I heard a block of CSNY and realized they were in town. We drove down and got fabulous tickets. Best concertI've ever been to. All of them were terrific. Lots of
great Neil Young songs played. if they come near your
town (sorry, UGE, they don't play to cows) go see
them. They were excellent.

 21 Mar, 2000
Re: CSNYI'm prepared to believe that CSNY, or at least large portions of them, were lucid on a given night in Philadelphia. I am not inclined to believe, however,that Pete cooked. What did you have, filet of covered

 21 Mar, 2000
Re: 7/4I think you mean "buenos nachos."

 21 Mar, 2000
dial (800) 578-7453to hear about Mr. Uge's latest money making endeavor.
Re: CSNYhey elainie tu esta una ramera que da kebesa.

 22 Mar, 2000
Re: whit!!come on baby!!!

 22 Mar, 2000
Re: dial (800) 578-7453Huh? what do I have to do with brown and williamson? A bought as much as you have to do with cindy fey, o buddy o mine.

 22 Mar, 2000
Re: dial (800) 578-7453you didn't listen to the entire message, did you

 23 Mar, 2000
Re: whitwhit now = march1st? what the f__ck is up with that??????????????? What a moronic name. What a miragic name. hold me watch whilst I sell the silliest name ever.

 23 Mar, 2000
Re: whitdid you make money over the past three days?

 23 Mar, 2000
Re: whitI think Don was saying he's going to change the name of his company to "November" (NVBR)

 25 Mar, 2000

Re: CSNYUge: Mange merde et morte!

 26 Mar, 2000
Re: CSNYC. and I went to indy over the weekend. just for kicks. Been a long time since don pete, duck and I visited elanus there.

 26 Mar, 2000
Re: march 1sthey duck make sure c sees this site: (the day after). I'm not joking. March on man. Right into april.....

 27 Mar, 2000
Viper Fund on FireOn track to do 17.3% for the April options month, thanks largely to the new "diagonal spread" system: You buy a deep-in-the-money call option that

 28 Mar, 2000

The Fire is Out.What a difference a week makes. Viper fund on track to do -8.1% for April. Stop the carnage.

 03 Apr, 2000
donde esta casa de PepeWhat does everyone think about meeting in Puerto Rico over the (extra) long July 4 weekend? It's got everything we want: Exotic climes, casino gambling and rum.

 06 Apr, 2000
Re: donde esta casa de PepeI thought americans weren't allowed into Puerto Rico since the Cuban Missile crisis. Damn commies! What kind of country would send a 6 year old to Miami 
Re: donde esta casa de Pepenow kroeter, we all know the uge is not a coke-head, so don't be spreading no rumors bout him. Instead, he's been waiting for those shrooms you've been 

 07 Apr, 2000
Re: donde esta casa de Pepeby the way, P.R. sounds cool. There's an attorney here from that territory and i will converse with him about the advisibility of that sort of endeavor.

 07 Apr, 2000
Re: donde esta casa de Pepe?We live two blocks from "Little Puerto Rico" here (my former neighborhood of residence for 5 years) and I can think of nothing that recommends it other than 13year old girls for the Uge to ogle. Anddrinking. But make your case and I'll see what the boss

 08 Apr, 2000

Re: Calamity UgeMoney is truly evil, or rather causes suffering. The buddhist monks are not permitted to handle money. I should have learned the same. I'm probably with you

 17 Apr, 2000
Re: Calamity Uge y Los IRSI'm getting money back from the Feds and the State, and my one-and-only mutual fund is up since last week. My lack of the gambling gene keeps my brow

 17 Apr, 2000
Re: July adventuresMel and I have been invited to leave the country for the 4th of July and visit friends in Toronto. I know that there are Native Canadian casinos up there

 17 Apr, 2000
Re: July adventuresRemember that Canadian woman in Ft. Lauderdale? The one with the whipped cream tits? heh heh.

 19 Apr, 2000

 19 Apr, 2000
Re: July adventuresI think you mean "non"

 19 Apr, 2000
Re: July adventuresToronto is an excellent idea--C. has aunts, uncles and cousins in the 'burbs whom we've stayed with several times.

 19 Apr, 2000
Re: also, you need to defend your aliasPete, Thanks for your input. Sorry I haven't checked this for a while because I'm trying to get 3 papers, 1 business plan and 2 finance cases done in

 20 Apr, 2000
Re: also, you need to defend your aliassuperlapse mrch had a 50K block trade after hours. whass uuuuppppp?

 20 Apr, 2000
Time to look at ATHMCecilia, I think SI changed their membership plan after they were acquired by GNET, but I can't recall what the new terms are (not sure if it's one-time fee

 20 Apr, 2000
Re: also, you need to defend your aliasi have no idea what's up. i don't even know what it's trading at these days since i'm desperately trying to get all my work done to graduate. i sort of hope it

 22 Apr, 2000
Re: Time to look at ATHMPete, I have the fee structure (there're both one-time fee or monthly subscription options), I just need info on the number of members. I vaguely recall

 22 Apr, 2000
Re: offspringthe wife de la uge; she's a pregnant.

 22 Apr, 2000
Re: offspringCongraluations to the Uge and Cindy!

 22 Apr, 2000
Re: offspringThat's excellent, Mr. & Mrs. Uge. A hearty wooo-hooo to you both. When do you expect the pitter-patter of a little Ugie? C. and I will start looking at

 22 Apr, 2000
Re: offspringUge, do you secretly hope that pregnancy will cause Cindy to crave cheese-fries at 3 in the morning?

 22 Apr, 2000
Eugene JuniorHoward Eugene Kokal. "Uge" Congrats you guys. :)

 22 Apr, 2000
Re: Eugene Juniormessage 135 posted by the husband. she failed again at logging off on the account. the uge knocked up his wife, clap clap! the uge knocked up the

 22 Apr, 2000
First lesson for Howard:When you're done playing with daddy's computer, log the hell off it!

 22 Apr, 2000
Re: Uge II: The SequelWill the Feds come and grab up the child upon arrival and take her/him to a secret base to be trained in psychic warfare, as was prophesied in the before days?

 23 Apr, 2000
Re: Uge II: The Sequelthus sayeth the flock, thus sayeth the reg.

 23 Apr, 2000
Elian Invasion: Why no arrests?Can someone explain to me how the Justice Department can invade a private residence and then not issue any arrest warrants? If there were no laws or court

 25 Apr, 2000
Re: Elian Invasion: Why no arrests?el search warranto amundo bestowth carte blache invadeatory powerth.

 25 Apr, 2000
Re: Elian Invasion: Why no arrests?Aren't search warrants usually used in criminal cases? Although the Miami family was completely wrong in not giving up the child, is kidnapping (which was what

 25 Apr, 2000
Re: Elian Invasion: Why no arrests?The search warrant was bullshit. Janet Reno is a slut.

 25 Apr, 2000
Re: Elian Invasion: Why no arrests?I again failed the course and did not log off the computer. The husband left the slandering post regarding Janet Reno's sexual promiscuity.

 25 Apr, 2000
Re: Elian Invasion: Why no arrests?As our hero Rudy Giuliani pointed out the other day, there are 10,000 to 12,000 enforced child-custody transfers in NYC each year.

 25 Apr, 2000
here's why:There's obviosly a side of the story the hasn't been revealed. The conduct of the feds just doesn't make sense otherwise.

 25 Apr, 2000
Re: here's why:Dick Morris is as slippery as they get. But he also knows all the players, and when he's right, he's v. right--as here. Another oft-cited theory: That  Clinton needs peace with Castro now so thatCastro will in return grant normalized diplomatic
relations to the U.S. after the November elections, thus
providing Clinton with a (non-semen-stained) legacy.

 25 Apr, 2000
and another thing...The seizure of Elian speaks to everyone who has a home. It will launch a thousand militia movements against government facilities, making Waco look like an afternoon in this sun.

 25 Apr, 2000
Re: and another thing...I don't see much backlash. Something like 60% of the sheep in the U.S. support the raid. Viper Fund up 6.5% today.

 25 Apr, 2000
Re: and another thing...You don't need a majority to have an earth-shattering backlash....see Waco and T. McVeigh. America was founded by people who said "Leave me alone,"

 25 Apr, 2000
Re: offspringCongrats to Cindy and the Uge. To celebrate, John and I had some mighty cheesefries for you last week, although not quite at 3 in the morning.

 26 Apr, 2000
VegasWe're probably going over Memorial Day weekend. The wife wants to see Bruce Springsteen on May 27 - he's playing at the MGM Grand. I'm going to call them today

 06 May, 2000
Re: VegasLove to come to Vegas, but the CFA is the following Saturday (8am to 4pm!) and over Memorial Day I'll be up to my eyeballs in the three E's: expected returns,

 06 May, 2000
Re: HiFi and ChicagoJohnny, we haven't seen the flick, but the rash of prerelease commercials for it demonstrated that the tone of the book (which is highly recommended) was badly

 12 May, 2000
Re: Founder's MessageI love Sylvia Saint!

 12 May, 2000
July 4Guys, Are we still going to Toronto for July 4 weekend? I don't know if John mentioned that I am flying to Hong Kong on July 5. I can now route my trip

 17 May, 2000
Re: July 4We won't be able to make the July 4 event. There is a family reunion type event with my mother's family scheduled for then.

 20 May, 2000
Congratulations to Cecilia.......who gets the initials "M.B.A." tattooed on her forehead on Sunday afternoon.

 20 May, 2000
Re: Congratulations to Cecilia....congrats to c: does MBA stand for Marchfirst Best Associate? or something else?

 21 May, 2000
Re: Congratulations to Cecilia....The Uge knocked up his wife, clap clap! The Uge knocked up his wife, clap clap!

 21 May, 2000
Re: Congratulations to Cecilia....the kroeter knocked up don dickinson, clap, clap the kroeter knocked up don dickinson, clap, clap.

 21 May, 2000
Re: Congratulations to Cecilia....Congratulations, Cecilia! What will you be doing with your spare time now that you don't have a long commute into the City of Brotherly Love?
Re: nauglescheck out the post-naugles uge at

 09 Jun, 2000
Re: nauglesVery impressive, Mr. Uge--proof that the more naugles you eat, the more intelligent you are. I didn't know you were admitted in Montana--did you have to take its test?<br><br>And have you looked at thelanguage around Ralston Purina? You might want to tweak
that a bit before you run for Senate.

 09 Jun, 2000
Re: chicagowhat's up reggie cat? uge feels a hankering to come up to the big city sometime. any cool events in the near future?

 10 Jun, 2000
Re: net radioI don't know if you all are into this sort of thing but there is a station on net radio that you can access through real player that plays all day all night no

 10 Jun, 2000
Re: New killer stockI'm not sure kroeter. This company is a wholly owned subsidiary. Last time I did that I was burned as the parent decided to buy all the stock at what amounted

 10 Jun, 2000

 10 Jun, 2000
Re: what'll they think of next?Hey from the land that spawned reggycat, most of the uge, the tiger and panther tanks, what else do you expect. Fucking right. Wahoo Mcguillocutti. Ok, It was originally from the netherlands. Don'tgimme no shit about it.

 10 Jun, 2000
Re: the illinois state fairis 11 august to 19 august, as they say in the military

 10 Jun, 2000
Re: nauglesQuite an impressive photo there, uge! It, however, will never erase the memory of a drunken uge scarfing down burrito's on the husband's dorm carpet that

 11 Jun, 2000

 11 Jun, 2000
Re: tiger tanksSpeaking of tiger tanks, I had a dream the other night that I was riding in a platoon of tiger tanks and we knew that the americans were coming so we braced ourselves to prepare for the attach, and when it came,there were so many tank killing american planes in the
sky that they were like mosquitos--and they moved too
fast to shoot at.

 11 Jun, 2000
Re: tiger tankswhat do you think it means, Uge? feeling overwhelmed? or perhaps as a prospective father you're feeling more and more Germanic, meaning fascist? let me know if you start to feel like invading Poland.<br><br>in the meantime, remember: a man's home is his

 11 Jun, 2000
Re: tiger tanksHaven't a clue what a tiger tank is, but methinks that you should avoid eating Frosted Flakes before you go to bed. Tony the Tiger is apparantly bad for your

 12 Jun, 2000
Re: tiger tanksthe tiger tank was a nazi tank which was far superior to any allied tank (e.g. it could outgun and had more armor) than any american or russian tank.

 12 Jun, 2000
Re: tiger tanksyou scare me

 13 Jun, 2000

 13 Jun, 2000
Re: tiger tanks and the USAJust remember, oh Uge, that as Americans, what we often lack in quality, we always make up for in quantity. I'm sure that makes our inherited German genesless than ecstatic to be floating around in our fully
American bloodstreams.

 14 Jun, 2000
Re: tiger tanks and the USAMe likes the choice of word "ecstatic" applied to the german genes. Me always thought the reg was a closet german mystic/romantic capable of ecstatic visions,even living in tv land.<br>"Floating" no less, ineternal bliss, or as much temporary levitating bliss that
the hegel-goethe-shrader genes can manage.


 14 Jun, 2000
Re: dreamsOk, so you all didn't like the tank dream. Who else is dreaming about anything these days. I remember a dream the other night where cindy feyn was doing Don

 15 Jun, 2000
Re: dreamsMy dreams are all psycho dreams. If I relayed them to anyone, I would be sure to be committed.

 16 Jun, 2000
Re: dreamsBut if I can have dreams about tanks and not be committed, I'm sure you can share.

 16 Jun, 2000
Re: the ecstaticUge, most of my ecstatic moments within this grueling shell of existence have been drug- and/or sex-driven. As we know, the German people have taken great interest in both of these areas during the century justpassed.

 16 Jun, 2000
Re: the ecstaticYo Reg, glad its just sex and drugs. No bigge. Just as long as its not blood and death. Church of the Divine Uge considers blood and death a sacrilege and we don't wants to excommunicate you.

 17 Jun, 2000
Re: the ecstaticYo Reggie: in college, you hung out with some chick band after they did a concert at the Stepan Center. Was it the Bangles? Or someone else?

 18 Jun, 2000
Re: the ecstaticI think the reg was hanging out with cathy o' brien. What a babe, a real hottie!

 18 Jun, 2000
Re: the ecstaticU&ge: are you like totally in love with C. O'B? You also talk about cindy feyn too much - I think that you are secretly in love with both of them. Have you stalked them on the net yet?Badin_Babe

 18 Jun, 2000
Re: elanusElanus, you are so totally fucking right. I try to be opaque, but you can see right through me. Do you have their email address so that I can keep up the good work?

 18 Jun, 2000
Re: elanusI haven't talked to O'Brien in over 3 years. I couldn't identify el feyado even if I tripped over her. Try the directory - click on Irish Online.

 19 Jun, 2000

Re: elanusShe probably had a sugar daddy

 19 Jun, 2000
Re: elanusHow come the expression "sugar mama" hasn't come into common parlance. I demand one now. Either that or madgf and clw to go to 50 this year.

 20 Jun, 2000
Re: elanus'sugar mama' hasn't caught up into common parlance due to the fact that rich old women don't share their money with bedfellows. Hey, does your employer

 20 Jun, 2000
Re: elanusDear Badin Babe, You can take the woman from N.D.. But sometimes you just can't take the N.D. out of the woman. signed, Lee Broussard.

 20 Jun, 2000
Re: The Green RoomRight you are, 'Lainie. It was the Bangles, at some off-campus party that the "music committee" put together for after the show. V.nice women, friendly. Afterhaving done the 'rock tour' thing for a few years, I'll
give credit to anyone who can go to an after show
party w/college lame-o's, drink bad beer w/nary a
complaint, and smile thru it all.

 20 Jun, 2000
Re: the ecstaticWhat makes you think that sex/drugs and blood/death are mutually exclusive endeavors, oh philosophical one?

 20 Jun, 2000
Re: C. O'BrienYes, I was attracted. But all credit must go to Elaine; despite the fact that C. was her pal, E. did fully warn me that she was probably too 'normal' (i.e.not un-normal) for me to find much in common with. So I did not pursue.
Found on the WWW

 24 Jun, 2000
Re: gerbilbadin babe, as chris abate would say: You are sick as fuck. anyway, here's a scenario for you all. A UFO comes down in your backyard. You are invited to step on board.  Do you go?

 24 Jun, 2000
Re: gerbilThe prior message was not posted by the pure and innocent badin babe. The husband failed to recognize that he was not the most recent person to use the yahoo

 24 Jun, 2000
Re: gerbilDear Badin Babe. Pure and innocent. I think I speak for the group when I say that if you are pure and innocent (having married Kroeter), then I distinctly remember reg's dorm room in college being plastered withduran duran and air supply posters.

 24 Jun, 2000
Re: ufocome on wussy, I'm not reporting back. What's the answer.

 24 Jun, 2000
Re: college"The Re-flex... The Re-flex....flex flex flex" ---- Rej

 24 Jun, 2000
Re: gerbilYou are wrong about the posters. They were Barry Manilow and Debbie Boone.

 25 Jun, 2000
Re: elaine's purityFrom what I `member, they were "the cramps" and "the clash". We'll let reg settle this. I'm just making point, for all those keeping score in the audience, that you aren't pure and innocent. So there.Nanny nanny poo poo to you.

 25 Jun, 2000
Re: elaine's puritythe uge knocked up his wife, clap clap! the uge knocked up his wife!

 25 Jun, 2000
The UgeThe Uge knocked up his wife, clap clap! The Uge knocked up his wife, clap clap! Uge when is the future little alter boy due?

 27 Jun, 2000
Re: The Ugealtar, I mean. uh. yep altar.

 27 Jun, 2000
Re: The UgeWord on the street is that they is probably both chicks. So no alter boys for you kroeter.

 27 Jun, 2000
Re: The UgeBoth chicks? You are having twins? Wow, what is going on with you dudes from Howard? First Wally, now the Uge! By the way, there are altar girls

 28 Jun, 2000
Re: The UgeThe Uge knocked up his wife TWICE, clap clap! The Uge knocked up his wife TWICE, clap clap!

 28 Jun, 2000
Re: elaine's qualitiesInnocent, perhaps not, but always pure.

 28 Jun, 2000
Re: The Uge + the TwinsCongratulations, Uge and Cindy, on Nature's greatest miracle. As everyone knows, female twins are Nature's holiest of occurances, while male twins are

 28 Jun, 2000
Re: yahoo messengerhey folks, everybody download the yahoo messenger program and activate it when you long on so that if you have the great fortune to be logged on the same time

 29 Jun, 2000
Re: yahoo messengerthis means you badin_babe and reg2mi

 01 Jul, 2000
Re: yahoo messengersigned up for the messenger service

 04 Jul, 2000
Re: group chatHey like we all should plan on being online together some sunday evening so we canst abuse each other in a group with the messenger thing. 

 05 Jul, 2000
Re: group chatworks for me

 05 Jul, 2000
Re: group chatWhy don't you just use the chat room that is attatched to this club page. See "chat" on the left side of the page?

 06 Jul, 2000
Re: group chateither way jose. My experience has been more positive using the messenger, but fuck it, whatever you want you got it man. How about them eagles?

 09 Jul, 2000
Re: duckyyou need to go into the edit members link off to the left and make us all founders by hitting the "add founders" button.

 10 Jul, 2000
Re: sunday chatfor all those online sunday evening at 7:00pm est, check into the chat on this site. this means you reg....

 11 Jul, 2000
the more I think about it...Le Monsieur Keough's published job title was v. likely a wad of excrement

 25 Jul, 2000
Re: the more I think about it...I agree. Marine Pilot was a dream job. Keough at Marine officer training? Well I suppose anything could happen. Me is sceptical. What is his new address

 26 Jul, 2000
Re: the more I think about it...Captn Lee Marine Aviator 2008 Pine Tree Dreive New Bern, NC 28562 This is as of 1997 directory that you cheap bastards wouldn't buy. got

 28 Jul, 2000
Mary Ann or GingerAlthough personally I wouldn't do either of them, I believe that Mary Ann has nationally won that competition. However, Ginger was the true slut of the island

 31 Jul, 2000
Re: Mary Ann or GingerGet thee to a nunery!!! btw, I'm a ginger guy.

 31 Jul, 2000
neil youngat the E-Center on August 9. We're in section 101, row G:

 31 Jul, 2000
More PricelineI just bought two round trip airline tickets to Chicago for the B.C. game for $175 each on The lowest published fare was $289. God bless

 31 Jul, 2000
Re: MA or GUge, as has happened in the past, you are WRONG. The obvious answer is Mary Ann; not only was she hot in hotpants, but she could cook, as well. As experience

 01 Aug, 2000
Screen ColorsWhich one of your homos changed the screen colors to mauve and purple?

 01 Aug, 2000
Re: MA or GReg, you ignorant slut. The fact that dawn wells in real life is a tree hugging dyke only confirms that she can't help but to be less fuckable than the original.

 01 Aug, 2000
Re: Screen ColorsMary ann did. She's the homo. By the way, if you don't like it, go to admin tool, "edit colors."

 01 Aug, 2000
Re: Screen ColorsUge: are you color blind man,or what? I going to have a fucking seizure with this color combinations. Then, you will be responsible for my conveyance around

 02 Aug, 2000
Re: Screen ColorsYou'll note that my normally perfect English has been impacted by these colors. The last message contained tons of typos! As my friend Beavis would say: CHANGE IT! CHANGE IT! CHANGE IT!

 02 Aug, 2000
Re: Screen ColorsNow, 'Lainie, who are we to so harshly judge the aesthetics of one such as the Uge? Did he not paint the sky blue, and the grass green? If lavender, aqua, and marine be his color scheme, we must comply.

 02 Aug, 2000
Re: eden or montgomeryThe uge sayeth Eden. He likes to be called "master."

 03 Aug, 2000
Re: eden or montgomeryThe badin babe sayeth "puke to the colors." Uge, have your beloved screen the colors as you are obviously color blind. To the question du jour, Parker

 03 Aug, 2000
Jeanie or SamanthaThe Uge says Eden because she's already his wife--see picture

 04 Aug, 2000
Re: Jeanie or SamanthaI thought that was a picture of Cindy Fey.

 04 Aug, 2000

 04 Aug, 2000
Re: Screen ColorsPlease make me a founder of this beloved site. I need to change these colors again. Saw Neil Young last night. He is awesome. The show started at 7:30 with Tegan and Sara, a duo of chicks from Canada.They were pretty good. They looked like sisters.
<br><br>Then, the Pretenders came on and did a rockin' set for
about half an hour. They opened with their rendition of
"Loser" and closed with "Needle and the Damage done".
This distressed me as then I knew Neil would not sing
these songs.<br><br>The Pretenders played Ohio, Chain
Gang and a few other radio-played songs. A new song
was thrown in there as well. Chrissy Hynde was quite
amazing - her voice sounds the same as 20 years ago. She
also looks the same. She was pissed, however, because
her guitar didn't work. When she wasn't singing, she
was yelling at the poor roadie who kept frantically
running back and forth over the stage, trying to fix the
problem. I think he got it by the last two
songs.<br><br>Then Neil came on. He did a lot of great songs and
was, as always, fantastic. He played for two hours,
such classics as Hurricane, Tonite's the Night, I
Believe in You, Harvest Moon, Unknown Legend and many
many other terrific songs. Everything was really cool.
He played the piano on Tonite's the night. He wife
and sister were backup. The band members were
Spooner, Kelsomething or other, Dunn and some other dude.
Great sound. Great concert.Badin_Babe

 10 Aug, 2000
Re: pantiesYo panties, here kitty kitty, come here kitty kitty, there you go.....splat!!!!!!

 11 Aug, 2000
Re: pantiesUge: you are mean.

 11 Aug, 2000
Re: pantiesHere, Gannon, come here boy, here doggie doggie, there you go....bang, bang.....

 12 Aug, 2000
Re: pantiesUge: didn't know that you were into beastuality. Any contact you may have with Gannon will be closely guarded!

 12 Aug, 2000
The OnionFor everyone interested in exploring all ideas. This site is pretty funny.

 12 Aug, 2000
More OnionAl Gore on Pennsylvania

 12 Aug, 2000
Re: article in philadelphia gazetteMWF, 35, plus family pet named "gannon," seeks MWM or SWM with similar pet for a fabulous foursome. Proof of rabies/DVT vaccinations required. Reply to

 13 Aug, 2000
Re: article in philadelphia gazette1. GROSS! 2. No such newspaper as Phila Gazette 3. YOU NEED HELP!

 13 Aug, 2000
Re: websters new international 1999 ed.cognitive dissonance---the ability of person to accuse someone of bestiality, then when the specter of bestiality returns to them, to become indignant, and to think that the return(or)(ee) is "gross" and "in needof help" (even though, as a point in fact, the uge
is gross and in desperate need of help).

 14 Aug, 2000
Re: magnolia?Did anyone see this movie? Frog scene was just too fucking much!!!

 27 Aug, 2000
Re: magnolia?Rented it a few weeks ago. Disappointed. Way too depressing. Should have developed the Tom Cruise porno infomercial angle a lot more and left out the frogs and

 28 Aug, 2000
Re: magnolia?Can't believe you're still digging "Eyes Wide Shut" a year later. That movie had no point whatsoever. We thought "Magnolia" was interesting, or rather

 28 Aug, 2000
ya gotta help me, man

 28 Aug, 2000
Re: magnolia?First of all, MCG, the point of Eyes Wide Shut, is that why in the hell weren't we invited to those parties; second, if any of us ever are invited to those

 28 Aug, 2000
Re: magnolia?Third of all, the frog scene in magnolia was the best scene in recent cinema. I fell outa my seat, pete...

 28 Aug, 2000
Re: magnolia?Magnolia was a really depressing representation of humanity as it stands today. If this is how life turns out after you hit big money, I'm not interested in n that at all. Tom Cruise sucked in the movie. Ipersonally think Cruise sucks as an actor and I personally
think that he is ugly. <br><br>What surprised me most
about the frog scene is that no one being hit by the
damn frogs thought that it was unusal to have frogs
falling from the sky. Well I guess most of the people
were high or drunk, so I guess that is the normal
expectation of life. Overall, a waste of 3 hours and 11
minutes of my life.<br><br>I still think Eyes Wide Shut
sucked. Tom Cruise (again, a turn off for me) over plays
his scenes. And Nicole Kidman really can't play any
other person other than the bitchy,
I-want-it-all-for-me persona that she portrayed in Malice.<br><br>They
should have cast Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger in that
movie if they needed a married couple. Cruise is gay,
so of course no passion will be noticed in any
scene. Alec Baldwin is 100 times foxier than Cruise as
well. Or Bruce Willis. But not Cruise. What kind of
name is Cruise anyway? What a loser. 

 29 Aug, 2000
Re: EYSWord on the street is that Kubrick had to do EYS in order to get a deal for a movie that he actually wanted to make. So, of course, he makes what is widely acknowedged as his least interesting, least insightful film,then kicks the bucket. His great filmmaking career
ends on a real down note, and worst of all, his elegy
is being sung by two extremely untalented hacks like
Cruise and Kidman. Having not seen the film I'm relying
purely on the reviews that I got from people I know. Not
even a master like the Big K could get me to watch a
Tom Cruise film. 

 29 Aug, 2000
Re: EYSP.S. 'Cruise', as in, "This hot Australian babe acts as my wife/beard, so that I may cruise for young boys at my leisure."

 29 Aug, 2000
Re: frogsMan, the part that it didn't phase them while they were coming down was so fucking cool.

 29 Aug, 2000
Re: maureen dulenmaureen dulen. That's dulen. Get it?

 31 Aug, 2000
Re: maureen dulendon't get it.

 02 Sep, 2000
Re: maureen dulenJust trying to yank the duck's chain a bit. Its akin to a C.F. story but I have promised not to use the words C.F. in this discussion group, so I won't.

 03 Sep, 2000
Re: smiling uge faceLook for the smiling uge face on tv for the n.d. nebraska game.

 04 Sep, 2000
Re: smiling uge faceYou could sell your tickets for $800 and make Cindy's face smile! p.s. who's C.F.? Cathy Fowler? Candy Ferentes? Cindy Fey?

 04 Sep, 2000
Re: smiling uge faceThanks for conjuring up the long-submersed vision of MD, and let me know when I can return the favor. She starred in several episodes perhaps best remembered as the fruits of boredom. Best was when our heathadn't kicked on yet--she must have thought we were as
loopy as her.

 07 Sep, 2000
Re: smiling uge facewhat part of the duck life included this person? j-school? JVC?

 09 Sep, 2000
Go IrishI really think that we could have won that game yesterday if dumb-ass davie didn't waste the last minute of the game. I was quite impressed with our boys

 10 Sep, 2000
Re: Go Irish40 seconds? Try 1:08 minutes with two time outs. You are fucking right badin babe, what a fucking wussy!!!!!!!!!

 10 Sep, 2000
Re: smiling uge faceJ-school, a long long time ago. And I agree the Irish coulda won if they'd gone for it at the end of the game. Davie is an overachieving pansy

 12 Sep, 2000
Re: speaking of mdcan I borrow some prozac from you?

 13 Sep, 2000
Eyes Wide ShutMartin Scorsese ranks Eyes Wide Shut as the 4th best movie of the 1990's decade:

 20 Sep, 2000
Re: Eyes Wide ShutWhat did Scorsese rate as the first top three movies of the decade? I still think that EWS was the biggest waste of a movie.

 29 Sep, 2000
South CarolinaUge: Depending on where you start, you have at least six hours, more probably eight from SC to Philly. You are certainly welcome at any time! When is missus going to have the kids? How's she feeling thesedays?

 17 Oct, 2000
Weird phone messagesCheck this one out. The Duck may particularly like this one: National Discount Brokers >> > 1. dial 1-800-888-3999 (it's free) >>

 17 Oct, 2000
Re: South Carolinarats, the uge will be sans car and only there two weekdays. the kids will probably come around the first part of november if all goes well. cindy feels like shitthough. but what would you expect with fetal uge
organisms in her..

 17 Oct, 2000

 29 Oct, 2000
Re: mrchthe uge bought some mrch at 4 13/16. good move? bad move? indifferent move?

 31 Oct, 2000
Re: wayne paI may get to go out your way soon as we may be using an expert toxicologist who lives on king of prussia road in wayne, Pa. I'll try and arrange a meeting in

 20 Nov, 2000
Re: the ugehey kids, check out the uge, nationally ranked on the online internet game "close combat IV: Battle of the Bulge." Check out:

 20 Nov, 2000
Re: mrchbad move...

 22 Nov, 2000
Re: psuhey kroeter, where were you. I was waiting for you to show up so we could go hitting on some nittany lion co-eds?

 02 Dec, 2000
Re: psunice, uge.

 02 Dec, 2000
UgeWe're about a mile from King of Prussia road in Wayne. You have to stop over when you're here. I'm back with PricewaterhouseCoopersandlybrand.comLLP,

 09 Dec, 2000

Kroeter siting, 2016, three dots and a dash Chicago 

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