Sunday, December 22, 2024

Jumping through an Infinite Number of Hoops

 Ok, this adventure started where all interesting adventures start:  in a dream or in Ayahuasca space.  The dream, which of course is kinda like a nightmare (and nightmare is explained below), is that really at the end of the day when you go to sleep you go to a place that you always forget about during the day, but remember each night is a place of annihilation.   You realize that what you experience during the day is some sort of illusion.  And really, this is the end.  So its like death.   Death = sleep.  And of course, that is the nightmare in Aya space as well, the endless repetitions and illusory nature of what you thought your life was.  So this is where I was at last night.  I remembered that this always happens at night and it is our inescapable destiny.

And of course, the practice is to go into it right? Relax into it.  Go into the nightmare.  And indeed, something about life, the endless cycles of life suggest that consciousness is always going to frame what is the phenomenal nature of reality into this endless cycles of this bad dream or nightmare.  And if we solve it, it is going to reframe into something even more intimidating and foreboding.  That is just the way reality works.  But there is a strange gift or state of grace that allows us to navigate these endless waves and cycles by going into the illusory nature of this nightmare, embodying it, and allowing it to transform us.

Even on the meditation cushion, I feel certain mind states and can go into them like this.  Indeed, I think at one level, all thoughts are similar to this bad dream or anxiety or disconnection with reality.  And even when the energy states haven't quite coalesced into anxiety filled thoughts we can still go into them.  

And in this way, anxiety is not negative, just a pebble that causes a perturbation in the pond.  with waves going out with the opportunity to connect with them and allowing their energy to transform us.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Forms, Forms the Magical Fruit

 This is going to be difficult to describe.   It goes something like this:  I bring the four directions into my body.  I feel/imagine the space in front (east) side (south) back (east) and side (north) and in the process I create/feel/imagine a form of my space and the contours of same.  And its not just  physical form, its also sort of a rhythm. 

This form resonates with the process that goes on with every aspect of our lives.  We create similar energetic forms, patterns and rhythms for our work, relationships, play.  And these forms can be felt on the inside and are always changing.  Sometimes, as occurred last night we feel them most acutely--especially when these forms are in the process of changing and altering into something else, which they always are, of course, the pain of change is felt.   And this is what we are grateful for.  To become the holder and vessel of this change.  

But in some ways, we don't create:  we hold, we interpret, we notice, we attend, we nourish.  But what happens is not ours.  And it is only indirectly the result of our efforts.  And that is when we can hold onto gratitude. 

Last nights Dream was probably associated to some degree with the Regency denizen's singing of  "South Pacific" at last nights drum circle.  Because it started in an Island.  And there were only women on the Island.  I think it was during World War 2.   The women are strong and independent.  And armed.  And organized.  Men come in vehicles.  They have guns and must be stopped.  But the women have difficulty getting organized and responding.  Its not that they are necessarily surprised, but their guns don't work and they can't get them out.  I take one of them and start shooting at some of the men and it doesn't shoot bullets but kind of a beam which gradually removes his flesh and is painful to watch.  Then I get shot in the heart by one of the men and wake up.

Its interesting that the women were kind of non-plussed at the invasion of men.  And in some ways, maybe they we responding in a different way than with retaliation and/or agression.  And I was the only on reacting to the situation "like a man".  Figures :-)  

Wednesday, November 27, 2024


 So it would be interesting to do sort of a meta study on therapists like Yung and Freud to determine how their patent population affected their own consciousness.    For example, Yung's work with patient populations in an insane asylum may have contributed to his consciousness and mythopoetic journeys described in the Red Book.  I wonder if he would have had similar insights had his patients been elderly affluent upper Eastside denizens of New York City.  You become who you hang out with or are exposed to.  We are freaking porous.  So porous that we even become what we read or watch on TV.  Especially me at 3 am when I read about spirit possession.  Then the fun really starts.   

And I listen to podcasts like one involving this dude Laurence Galian and I immediately sense listening to him that his consciousness, his world, differs from mine.  I can almost visualize his world orbit coming into my boundaries as I listen to him.  The energy of his world is completely different than mine and I can feel my orbit boundaries start to recoil.  So then I of course have this little voice in my head about setting boundaries and how that allows your to preserve your energy or some other such inane platitude.  Then the ever present mantra comes in, the spirit of "Welcome everything, push away nothing".   And I again realize that that is the path.  And the boundary setting is a product of fear.  

And of course, its easy for me to say this.  I live in a protected insulated environment.  I am not being overly physically, mentally, or sexually assaulted.  I can walk away to a safe place.  And  I wonder how far I can take all this no boundary stuff.  Sure, I get it for anxiety attacks, go into to it, they are your friend, no boundaries.  And my energetic practice of continually orienting myself in the four directions has an element of no boundaries.

And what really is the energy of another person?  And how are we porous?  I think there is more going on that the visual image of two amoebas coming in contact with each other.  Coming into contact with another, be it a person, an image, a thought form, whatever comes is a way of opening up another portal.  Going somewhere else.  Literally.   And I think that is the problem I have with boundaries.  That assumes we possess a certain physicality that I don't think we occupy.  We are vast.  We are empty.  We are not really here.  We are constantly moving.  And when we come into contact with someone else, the process only speeds up or goes somewhere else.  But its not like we bounce off them like particles colliding.   Its much more interesting.   Turtles all the way down bro....

Monday, November 11, 2024

Boundaries reimagined (and Goshen, UT reimagined)

 Honoring someone or something establishes a separation or boundary between you and them.  This may work to your advantage, their advantage,  or be mutually beneficial.   By contrast, to hate, dislike, or dishonor removes all boundaries and separateness.  Good luck.

Now to mix apples and oranges.  I think this not only works with people,  but with ideas, beliefs or concepts as well.  Take my last podcast for example, where ideas like trauma, inner child, betrayal are involved.   In a sense, to say "I have trauma" is a way of identifying a concept which in some ways creates a similar energetic separateness.  Instead of the somatic trauma that may be inside you, when you create the concept of "I have trauma" then you have created something else perhaps that the phenomenal experience of trauma.  That concept can now be interacted with.  The act of this form of identification is a similar energy to me of honoring which in some ways may create a separation, for good or bad.  If you honor the trauma, perhaps it allows you more of a space to work with it.  However, to have a different relationship to the trauma concept, it might, analogous to dishonoring someone, have a different effect.  

Then I was with my father who was driving a semi in Utah.  The small rural towns that I remember in my youth we much more developed, almost like resorts.  I remember steep hills and lots of road construction.  When we arrived at Goshen, which is apparently where I spent my early days with my aunt while my mother was at school, i remember being started about how much it (and perhaps myself :-)) had developed.  I remember thinking that I should retire in Salt Lake City, but then how it would not be a good idea because of the mormons.   And how someone local like Judge Noll would always be fair not swayed by religious prejudice.  

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Imagination vs. Materialism

 One of the many views of the world suggest that we are animals with drives and molecules floating around our bloodstream that control every thought and action that we engage in.  If we experience something that makes us unhappy, we can simply take other molecules from a large pharmaceutical company and it will alter our brain chemistry and make everything ok or allow us to sleep or whatever is ailing us.  That world view of what we are seems by its nature lacking vitality and energy.  The world is reduced to words and concepts.   It takes all the fun away, literally and figuratively.  Life becomes lifeless.  We sit and home and watch TV.  We become cold and detached because we lose our connection to the environment.  

By contrast, if we can step into the animistic/imaginal world, the world comes alive, literally and figuratively.  We reach out and literally connect with spirits and energies surrounding us.  We feel the dark contractive energies and they become fuel for the fire of our transformation.  When everything around us is alive, we can embrace it, and that connection fuels our vitality and the so called imaginary realm comes alive.  Think of the difference in language you use to describe the embrace of living objects, versus the dead world of materialism.  Materialism = depression.  Animism= connection and embrace.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Return of the Gods

 So this comes with that Netflix show Kaos, which is a little bit like a Gnostic nightmare version of the Greek Gods.  For example, the "underworld" ruled by Hades promises rebirth after death to the humans.  However, in Hades, no rebirth occurs but the human souls are siphoned off to make some sort of beverage to the Gods that makes them immortal.  Like the Matrix, humans are just used for fuel.

In some ways, this occurs while humans are living.  Our thoughts create the Gods, the all powerful beings that control our destiny.  We submit to this fate.  We submit to causation being beyond our control and residing with the Gods.  Like the Matrix, our thoughts are the pathway that the Gods steal our energy to create the God egregore.   Without our belief in the Gods, without our thoughts, the Gods do not  exist.

 Speaking of stealing, Prometheus reverses the process, he steals fire from the Gods and gives it to humanity.  Which is an interesting shift.  Fire was previously reserved for the Gods.   Fire is a "real" so to speak technology.  Perhaps a tool that humanity can realize our own creative potential.  Instead of creating the Gods with thoughts, we can now create fire which exists in some different level in our day to day life.  It is the first step in eroding the power of the thought of an invincible all powerful God.  Now we can do shit.  If we realize we can create stuff in this world, we can realize our own divinity.

Now with our heads in our cell phones, we have become separated from our own fire, our own earth, our own creativity.  The Gods are back in our phones.  The Gods are undetached thought forms.  They are back.  I sense there is more to this, but at present, I am mixing apples and oranges.  This I am want to do and I apologize.

Food of the Gods, II (aka May You Be Consumed by Something Wonderful)

Part 2 of being a tasty morsel for interdimensional beings aka the Matrix revisited comes with the realization that being consumed ain't so bad.  And the more tasty we are, the more interesting thing will be that consumes us.  

Maybe the image of being eaten should be replaced with energetic shift, or something like that.  Everything is in flux of endless energetic shifts and transformations.   At one level, when the owl eats the rabbit or whatever, the rabbit is changing forms and going into the owl.   When humans die and are allowed to naturally decompose, we change energetic states and form and are merged with the earth.  Its the same thing in a way.  And the violence of eating the rabbit is only superimposed on what is essentially the same process.

So what we think of as consciousness also has its own energy, its own form. And when that changes forms, where does it go?  What eats it, so to speak?

There is something about this that is interesting, don't you think? Is there a spirit or energy form that is in a state of transformation that provides us a thought?   Is there another perhaps different spirit or energy form that comes in to transform the thought?   For some reason I can't help thinking that the mind is like an altar where this transformation takes placeπŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

Do you feel the difference between some types of thoughts and others?  Do you notice that some thoughts that come in tend to attract other thoughts of a similar energy state.  And that people or things surrounding you can emit thoughts, spirits, or energy that can coming into you like an uplifting or descending infection?   

And can the thoughts, spirits or energy states, so encountered, be transformed by other thoughts, spirits or energy states that can be summoned within in our altar?  Its so interesting, I just can't help but to smile.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

N Bow Te and Cree Sam Bo

 So originally I had two mantras:  N Bow Te and Cree Sam Bo.  N Bow Te was the mantra of creation.  You create a tree by recognizing it.  You create what you pay attention to.  Its like an evocation, a giving of life.  If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?  N Bow Te.

The other mantra was Cree Sam Bo.  Where N Bow Te was the act of creation and recognition, Cree Sam Bo was an act of invocation.  You bring the tree into you. You become one with the tree.  Cree Sam Bo.

Then more things started happening.

Vowels started resonating with the cosmos.  7 of them like the original planets.  Or the chakras.  And consonants started being in the body.  Like so many German words all building things in this world.    So we have vowels being all spiritual.  And consonants being all material.  And when you put them together, the magic starts to happen. 

Then I started thinking about modifying the mantras to reflect this.  A mantra of more vowels becoming consonants e.g. OM  Or vice versa.  Evocation becoming invocation.  And Vice versa.

And I'm starting to think/feel what's really going on with when vowels and consonants come together and perception and intention and creation.  I'll let you know how that all turns out. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Food of the Gods (the Matrix revisited again)

 So with animism, everything is alive right?  And when you eat the carrot, the carrot spirit comes into you and merges with you energetically.  It becomes you.  It transforms from its carrot energy body and is incorporated by you.  Both you and the carrot are transformed literally and figurately by the process.  The carrot assumes a new shape and form, and on a subtle level so do you.

So why would you think that this process of energy sharing and exchange stops there.  Its carrots and turtles all the way up, and down.  What are we consumed by, what eats us, what do we energetically merge into.  You can imagine the extra-dimensional beings as the gnostic denizen's of the matrix who put us into vats, or something more interesting, such as the theurgical entities that we invoke and in that process are consumed and transformed into something way way way more expansive:-).  


The Language Paradox, preview of the Podcast

So there is the Koan about a finger pointing at the moon.   And I suppose the teaching with that Koan is about the limitations of language.  The moon is out there.    And language, or teaching about Buddhism is at most a finger pointing at the moon.  It is not the moon itself.  Don't confuse the finger with the moon.  Language about Buddhism is only a finger, it is not the essence of Buddhism itself.  It only points the way.  You still experience the moon itself. 

But its not that simple and there is more to the ecosystem.  

To begin with, the intention of the person pointing determines what is pointed at.  What are you intending to see?  Or perhaps, what are you imagining seeing or pointing at?  And even more paradoxically, the moon in some ways shapes the intention of the person pointing at the moon.  I'm talking lunar cycles, astrology, gravity, or however else you want to define it--there is an interaction.

In this way, what we have going on here is a system.  A Klein bottle, a Mobius strip.

And my criticism of Buddhism is (at least for me) is it separates you from the system.  It has the Buddha and Mara the demon interact and the Buddha tries to avoid the illusion of Mara.  He points to the ground.  But the illusion and the ground are part of the same ecosystem--each influences the other.  To reject the "unreal" or imaginal world in the pursuit of something else is the substitution of one imaginal world for another.

Here is what a find more interesting.  There are supposedly seven vowels to the original Greek alphabet.  Just like there are seven celestial spheres.  Some coincidence huh?  Vowels evoke spirit.  Consonants, on the other hand, evoke matter or the body.  Say consonants out loud.   See how they are connected to the body.  Say vowels and feel and feel something entirely different.  But back to the spirit thing, vowels/consonants
/words represent the marriage of matter and spirit.  And words embody creation.  In the beginning was the word, and it created the moon by pointing at it.  Or something like that.  Words are alive baby, just like a mantra.  Because we are vibrating just like they do.   Its vibrations all the way down baby.   And of course, all of this is way above my paygrade, but I'm starting to experience it.   Strap yourself in.  

Friday, August 9, 2024

The Three AM Follies

 So it was up again at 3 am.  The milieu this time involved the somatic sensations of imbalance, like half of my body was operating at one energy level, and the other half, a different energy.  It wasn't that one side was relaxed, just completely different.  The ice cream at the state fair didn't help.  Neither did the Gin Blossoms, and I still had "Until I Fall" away repeating over and over in my mind.  There was something that always bothered me about that band.  Some weirdness.  Especially the posing of the lead guitarist.  I guess its sort of Karma in a way, you get rid of your best songwriter, and off you go.

Anyway, there was all sorts of 90s energy coming up for me.  I was in a dream with someone that I was trying to impress.  We were watching a video of Dan Littrell playing, and I said, "I was there" trying to impress my friend.  So the video shifted to the audience and there I was.  However, I was wearing a beard and weird glasses and acting like a buffoon.  So my attempt to impress my friend turned into an embarrassment.  Kind of like the 90s.  I was that embarrassment.  I was that weird person with the weird energy.  Now its even more  Wait till i really start getting old and talking to aliens.  (See even now I am still in a costume wearing a beard, trying to be funny but embarrassing myself at the same time--the question is:  who am I trying to impress?).

Then I was with Bill Dodson, who was my best friend in the early 90s and I was driving my car which was a mess and i had unopened condoms on the passenger floor and was disgusted with myself that he had to see them.  Then I became upset and was driving erratically, in the wrong lane, and was angry and disconcerted.   There was much more to the dream, maybe I'll remember it later.

Oh thats right, I was still with the friend I was trying to impress and there was something to do with insurance and a guy had this big shot that he intended to give me.  He said it contained vitamin C.  I thought it contained some sort of anti-psychotic medication and refused.  I'm not sure that impressed the friend either.

I guess at the end of the day that I look at the 3 am follies as the gift now.  Its were the purest form of energies are experienced.  If I can create a larger space or some space to fully participate in them, I know it would be a blessing.  For the somatic sensations turned into emotions, the pain into sadness, and I was crying when I was driving the car in the wrong direction.  Which I take to be an interesting way of experiencing that dream.

Monday, August 5, 2024

We are already there, except when we try to be there.

 So there are all these practices about invoking the Holy Guardian Angel, Mother Mary, God, or something else along these lines.  But Jesus Christ, they are already there. We are so imbued with them its like we are having the most intense conjugal visit with them 24-7 in such a way that its almost nonstop.  Indeed, the only time it can stop is when we actually try to summon them.  I mean here we are bonding with them in such a way that is mind-blowing and all encompassing, and then somebody gets the bright idea that we need to bring them into our lives because we are lost or something  (The person making this suggestion is usually trying to sell us their new book or some workshop they are putting on). 

I've said before we are like portals.  Maybe so, but sometimes it feels like a playground.  And there are so many spirts (or whatever the hell you want to call them) all taking turns about living a life through us if only for a few hours before they move on and something else comes in. Imagine all the fun they are having when we engage in a conversation with someone.

Sometimes I wonder if that is the purpose behind social media and the internet.  Those technologies make it easier for them to come into us and act our all of their mischief.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Who Wants to Come Inn

 I think when I was at the farm house, I did not a middle of the night connection with what all these Thelemites are calling the HGA (Holy Guardian Angel).  And I did reach the Oracle status on the ESP app verifying it, as well as finding my fluorite diamond that had fallen beneath my car seat.  The latter two activities were accomplished through a rather direct intentional act. 

I'm not sure what this all means.  But at some level, its not under our control.  But we do have a role in it.  We can direct it.  

Pete Kingsley's books are interesting as well.  And the approach of the HGA surely is where that hissing sound of the snake, the ouroboros eating its own tail are pursued all the way down and the inside is turned to the outside, and the circle is completed.

But this was supposed to be about who wants to come in.  Who is asking to come in?  And to love what arises.  Welcome everything, push away nothing.  

So to put this all together, the mediation practice is to follow the hiss, and let the visitor arrive, and let it carry you on its chariot.  All the way in.  To the night. With your new black sheets.  All the way down, and you go up to reach the HGA.  Now where does a devotional practice come in? 


Friday, July 12, 2024

We Are the Negative and Heavy Hardness

So called  negative thoughts, negative occurrences, negative energies are the glue that brings us into form.  For example, the mindfulness practice of feeling into emotions, thoughts, and the like really is a way of bringing the negative thoughts and energies into the body so that the energy itself becomes a somatic sensation.  In this way, the thought forms or energies have a more physical manifestation.  

And sometimes late at night when the world is crushing down on you and if you are weird you have to go into the bathroom where the tiles and stone work help shield you, what is going on is that the energy is too heavy for us to process.  But if we could, it is surely a gateway to a new reality, a new way of looking at an encountering the world.  Something that whats to come up, some new birth, but for whatever reason it is stuck in the birth canal and is grating us as a result.

And I think in a cosmic sense, there is a supernormal reality that does not have a physical form, but takes a physical form, namely the earth and everything in it, through a similar process, and with a similar inertia to be overcome which explains the ever changing flux of existence.  More to the point, if this transformational energy was all positive, it would not take form.  It is only in its certain negative contractive manifestation that it becomes form.  Which makes humans very much Luciferian--and fallen angels.  We are the fallen, in every sense of the word.  And the negativity is what takes shape in us.

So when we encounter the heaviness, our task is to let us take us without resistance, and it is the sacred process of coming into birth.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Gnostic Nightmare of the "Matrix" is actually channeling the Earth.

You know the Gnostic Nightmare of the Matrix?  The one where we are all alive in vats while some advanced life form sucks the energy out of us?  And our perceived reality is only fodder for the mill?

Well if you are a bit altered from some entheogen, you can experience similar states.  You or especially I can feel like this reality is illusory and there is some other cosmic force draining us from all sides, and we are just food for something else.

But guess what that reminds me of?  The EARTH.  The Earth as no form and has endless other organisms and plants feeding off of it.  Through it.  Inside it.  And on top of it.  

So maybe when the Gnostics have their nightmare, or those twin brothers (now sisters) make their movie, what they are really doing is channeling the Earth.  And maybe we should listen and not be afraid of it or come up with imaginary horror realities of what is literally right beneath us trying to communicate with us in a method that we are only beginning to open up to.   

Headless Ritual

 Not that there is any way out, I mean the whole death and rebirth thing doesn't allow a lot of options.  And when I take enough Aya, I seem to go there.  To the place I have always been an never leave despite all my efforts to do so.  I can never get anywhere, and when I run far enough from the ritual, I realize I really have never gone anyway.

But perhaps there can be a ritual within the above ritual.  A ritual which notices that the death and rebirth narrative is a product of the mind.  For everything is alive, and death is only a feeble attempt to put a label on something that doesn't really fit.  So the answer is not with the mind.   Its turtles all the way down there.  

So the ritual is to sacrifice the mind.  Give it up, and our friend Kali can help.  Or more specifically the Chinnamasta incarnation of Kali.  So when I go into my sacred imaginary temple, with the zen cushions beneath windows on one side and the shiva statute with the mat in front of it, you know the one I'm talking about, using the Gateway project of Robert Monroe or not:-).  Anyway, after I bow to Shiva, then open the temple conversion box to release everything and then I synchronize with the sound, I can also cut my head off.  And maybe put it in the large sea shell at the south side of the temple.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Garden of Eden, with cellphones

There has been a lot of well deserved attention on the power of the cell phone to separate us from our surroundings, and our senses.  Though using cell phones may allow us to connect with something else other than our immediate physical bodily sensations and immediate environment (e.g. we can talk to people on the other side of the globe), this perhaps comes at a tradeoff--for when using our cell phones, our attention is directed to the cell phone, as opposed to our immediate environment and the people around us.  Think of the image of someone using a cell phone while sitting down at a coffee shop or airport oblivious to what is going on around them, instead their connection with reality is mediated by the technology of their cell phone instead their sensory awareness of what is in their immediate environment.  In this way, the cell phone causes a "separation."  

But this separation is not new.  Perhaps the first separation with our environment occurred when someone started using shoes, which in some ways is also a disconnection with the immediate reality of the ground.  Or, your connection with the earth is mediated through the shoes.  Sure, you might be able to do different things with shoes, walk in regions you could not walk with ordinary bare feet, but still your sense of the earth is affected by the technology of the shoe, and thus somewhat separated from a connection with the earth.

Same with clothes.  They also separate us from our immediate sensation of the environment.

In this way, if you are into the whole "Garden of Eden" archetype thing, the separation from the Garden of Eden came from putting on clothes.  That and shoes may have been the first separation humans had which caused us to be separate from their immediate physical sensations.  And it was not a god that kicked us out of the Garden of Eden, we literally walked out.

Monday, May 13, 2024

What a Way to Start the Day

A five minute daydream to start the day had all the trappings of a half day psychedelic journey.  There was the beginning disorientation.  Then the horrific imagery of people I know (e.g. Katie, Rob and Marina) suddenly revealing that they are not my beautiful friends,  but rather, with a small shift in perspective, turn into energetic vampires who have throughout time and space distracted me and kept me in this surrealistic existence.  Then the thought form to go into it, embody this horrifying image and having it shift into yet another phase of existence followed up by a reorientation and later integration back into my regular morning meditation.  Cycle completed.

Think of all the time and money I saved! Sure, I could have totally shroomed out or talked to grandmother ayahuasca, but they are all here, all the time, and the distinction between waking life and dreaming life blurs.  We are always dreaming, and each thought or day dream is only a hairs width away from a dream or full blowing entheogenically induced adventure.  

Where are we in all this.   Existence is not what we think it is.  We are not alive.  We are not dead.  We are always dreaming, a little bit at a time.  What a way to start the day!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Opening/Clearing the Space

Retrocausation is contradictory, but I sense that much of what I have been doing is already leading up to this, because I have already done it.   I've said before that we are portals.  I'm opening even more, if such a thing is the way to describe it.

We clear spaces so that the higher and lower can enter us.  The idea of what we are is murky.  I'm not sure the idea of the self is helpful.  I'm opening to allow higher and lower entities.  Its not like they are physically present.  And they are not in the mind.  And we are not a self.  We are the flux and the focus on these entities arising and falling away.  But that doesn't sound quite right.

I clear the space by allowing the energy of the four directions in.  Like the four petals of a lotus opening in each direction.  And sound and/or vibration and/or color help.  Its also not so much of a clearing as a heightened paying attention.  And I start above me and go beneath my physical body, or I go in the other direction.  And most of the time the heart is the seat of most of the focused energy.

And its different in the forest.  And I'm not sure if I create the difference.  And its different in the Lincoln home area.  And I'm not sure I create that difference either.  And I could say that its because the spirits there are different.  But I'm not quite there yet.  I've been there.  "Been" as a relative term of course.  I'm afraid of that world.  So I close it off.  Its scary experiencing the energy in the room sometimes.  And that deserves further observation and encountering. :-)

Sunday, March 3, 2024

The Prophet is a Fool

 There are no prophets, because everyone is a prophet, 24/7, there is no escape.

And we are all receiving constant messages from every blade of grass to every homeless person camping out on the street.  Everything is the teacher.

Because of this, Jesus' act of washing the leper's feet touches on a deeper reality that cannot be conveyed by the moniker of "his or her holiness the  Dali L"     Because everyone wears than moniker.  Every thing has that moniker.  Even the word moniker has that moniker:-)   And if you think you are special, well, you are, but so is every one and every thing.  So go take whatever  title or entitlement you have, and go screw yourself, because you are God.

As such, the human condition is one of discrimination and separation from this unity.  Where the rubber hits the road is how we cut ourselves off from the divine because we do not want to feel the anguish of the homeless, or the senseless repetition of the TikTok marketplace.  And being overwhelmed with stuff hurts, and it hurts to have to say "NO."

To study the self is to forget the self.  And when you study the myriad of messages coming in you realize that you don't exist.  At least not in the way you think you do.  Then all the distinctions fade away, life, death, time, space, and you just float around all day in the cosmic blob.   

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The Sun is God. Everyone can see that

 "The Sun is God.  Everyone can see that."  Or so C.J. Jung was told on his trip to America by the Native American Elder.    Without getting into the discussion of what God is, we are literally, metaphorically, energetically one with the Sun.  We revolve around it.  It controls our destiny.  So it has that going for it.

Then old C.J. is told that without the Elders belief the Sun would not rise.  And you can just feel the recoil in our Western Minds.  "That's not how it works.  With the advent of Science (emphasis on capitalizing the "S" intended), we "know" that the sun is just one of many stars in the universe.  We are on one of many planets that orbits the sun in ways and manners that can be mathematically  calculated.  Science has "evolved" humans past ancient superstitions and Sun worship.

So Western man no longer believes in the Sun.  And it continues to Rise.   And it is no longer a God.  But what about the continuing faith of the Native American Elder.  What are they preserving?  To this I only say, whether the Sun is alive or not, like Schroedinger's Cat, depends on perspective.  We underestimate, or better yet, do not understand what the human imagination actually is and what it can do.  Not in a casually sort of way, but in a way that points at something else.  The imagination can turn a God into a lifeless ball of burning hydrogen.  And take all the life out of the universe.

Back from Tuscon.  Seeing the end of my ancestors.

Friday, February 2, 2024

The Sausage Dog of all Religious Impulses

 Oh my goodness does this Theosophical podcast Guest Dimitri get my knickers all bunched up getting ready for this show.  I feel so much energy against the notion that you can petition the divine.  And that kind of prayer.  It just hurts thinking about it.  

At one level, I have the Jim Morrison reaction, "You CANNOT Petition the Lord with Prayer."  I mean Jesus H. Christ, what do you think, God runs a court of law?  And you file petitions to get the almighty to do stuff.   Another response, the Book of Job.  Job did everything right and God shits on him.  Over and over.  And then when Job complains, God reveals the Leviathan.  For you see, its not about Job, its not about our individual selves and what our individual selves want.  Its not about our human schemes and plans.  

At another level, we want the world to make sense.  To follow order and rules imposed by us.  Its totally understandable, because the alternative is kind of frightening, like...well....the Leviathan.   So we take the divine which is like this wild majestic mysterious Wolf, and through the process of thousands of years we domesticate this Wolf by feeding it and befriending it.  And over the thousands of years, the Wolf gradually evolves into the little sausage dogs that are always friendly, always do what you want (when they can understand what we want), and provide great companionship.  

Butt, Butt Butt, You CANNOT turn the Lord into a Weiner Dog.  No matter how hard you try.  Its not about you silly.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

I Revel in the Ation

 Nature is not comfortable with straight lines.  Like the back of a cobra's head.  There is something magical and menacing about the triangle and the square.  The city block.  The book.  The cell phone you are holding.  The number.  The river is never the same place twice.  The number is constant.  The city block remains the same until the hurricane washes it back into the sea.

So there are "seven" stages of evolution.  This I have heard.  And am uncomfortable with.  Both the number and the concept of evolution.  And the person selling the books touting both.   I imagine my ancestors.  Am I more evolved than them?  Am I even more evolved than me as a fetus?   Assuming achieving unity is the sin quo non of spiritual pursuits are all these practices, earnestly striven for nothing more than the circular return to where we started?  And thus, as we live and age, are we not becoming more fragmented? 

Perhaps the most vivid "mystical" experiences are nothing more than a recapitulation of youthful memories and experiences?  

Sure, you can develop your ego, build your spiritual resume in a million different ways that people do.  Give a million lectures, write a million books celebrating spiritual evolution.  But i imagine my friend with down's syndrome who cannot write a coherent sentence "emptying" himelf and touching upon higher dimensional spaces than the most accomplished mystic.

There is no high expression of humanity, no low expression.  What we do, we do for the whole.  What we touch, we touch for the whole.  Where some parts of the unified organism expression may temporarily come into contact with the light, they will blend back into the mass for the next wave to come into the sunlight.

But who knows?  Who has given up the knowledge?  Who has manifested the sacred geometry of straight lines into their consciousness and become something else?  Who has cleared the portal for something different to emerge into this space?

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Eckhart Tolle is no Meister Eckhart a/k/a If Meister Eckhart were alive today, he would not be a life coach.

Sometimes when I'm feeling particularly mischievous (which is always, of course), I want to purge all life coaches in a particularly painful way.  I should stop being so hard on them though.  After all, everybody has to make a living in our society.  And some paths are unregulated and require no training.  But hey, they are following their own intuition.  Divine source told them so.  And they have a ten week online course you can sign up for to develop your own intuitive skills.  

Well I am now channeling Meister Eckhart.  Meister Eckhart is a little miffed (I'm not sure how he is saying miffed in German, but these details he tells me are not important) about life coaches.  He is telling me things like the divine will or the God-head is ultimately hidden and unknowable.  Its fucking beyond our reach.  And to reduce divine nature to "my" intuition spirit family cosmic family tribe telling me thus and so is bullshit.  

And then I went out to the forest with the Meister (he sometimes lets me call him Burger Meister Meister Burger).  And Meister said, "look all around you.  Everything, every leaf, every tree, every blade of grass is a manifestation of the divine. Everything is the Way.  Everything is God.  Even the life coaches getting little voices telling them to do thus and so are manifestations of the divine.  Its all good.  And its all beyond you Kokal.  In fact it isn't even about you.  Its about bigger things you will never understand.  And if you want to get all bent out of shape about life coaches, even that is a manifestation of the divine." 

And then he looked at me very seriously, as only a medieval monk could do.   And he expressed displeasure about even using the phrase "manifestation of the divine".    He took out his version of the Bible which was in Latin (which I could now read because my spirit guides were helping me) and read to me the book of Job.  And he told me that that the leviathan is the manifestation of the divine, not some prepackaged consumer good "manifestation" just waiting for you to consume on your spiritual path.   And when you see the divine and actually hear the divine you are lucky if all you do is poop in your lederhosen.  

By the way, I was going to file a lawsuit on behalf of Buddhists everywhere claiming that Eckhart Tolle wrongfully appropriated Buddhist writings as his own ideas.  Something like copyright infringement.  But the Buddhists said it was ok, they didn't want to sue because the writings were not theirs to begin with as they do not exist anyway.  


Saturday, January 6, 2024

Look at the Finger Pointing at the Moon

 Find the experience not connected to the thought or intention of the mind, something that arises up from somewhere else.  Rest in that.  Go into that.  Its a separate life form.  πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

Meditate on the sensations of words.  Bring to the mind a word or thought.  Like love, healing, extra-dimensional, grounded, heart-centered, or whatever comes to mind.  And see where the word takes you.  Or what it does to your body.  What is your relationship to that word?  The word, after all, is kind of empty, but the experience with the word is where the magic occurs.  

If all else fails, you can have a dream.  Like I did last night.  Something about Steve Garvey and Steve Garvey's wife in Quincy, Illinois.  The wife was attractive, I think.  And Steve had hairy forearms.  I wonder if he still does.  And there was some kind of magical ceremony going on down by the river, I seem to recall.